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Charles Sturt University

Charles Sturt University was established in 1989, building on a tradition of excellence in teaching and research spanning more than 100 years. It aims for excellence in education for the professions, strategic and applied research and flexible delivery of learning and teaching.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 535 articles

Kenny Webster/Unsplash

10 things we do that puzzle and scare horses

Patting, shoeing, grooming, feeding, and even putting them in a stable - the list of seemingly benign human interactions that can confuse or upset horses is surprisingly long. On the eve of the official Horse’s Birthday, we explain why.
Mannus Creek in NSW during the 2020 bushfire period. Luke Pearce

Before and after: see how bushfire and rain turned the Macquarie perch’s home to sludge

When the post-bushfire rains finally arrived, the situation for many fish species went from dangerous to catastrophic. A slurry of ash and mud washed into waterways, sending oxygen levels plummeting.
Crystal Bulumbara, Esther Bulumbara, Claire Smith and Nell Brown. Barunga community, Northern Territory. July 2019. Narritj

Friday essay: voices from the bush – how lockdown affects remote Indigenous communities differently

Researchers report on how COVID-19 is affecting isolated Indigenous communities. Their voices bridge the urban divide, reveal challenges and describe some unexpected bonuses.
This year’s hajj, which draws more than 2 million pilgrims to the Ka'ba mosque at Mecca, is likely to be cancelled. Shutterstock

How coronavirus challenges Muslims’ faith and changes their lives

As it has for many other people, the lockdown restrictions to deal with the spread of coronavirus is having a signficiant impact on the way Msulims practise their faith.


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