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Indigenous Knowledge

Indigenous Knowledge has been set up as an institution on The Conversation’s platform so we can feature Indigenous knowledge that exists outside formal university settings.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 102 articles


Attending school every day counts – but kids in out-of-home care are missing out

Attendance at school is crucial to improving educational outcomes for students. Unfortunately, children in out-of-home care face myriad challenges when it comes to attending school every day.
Josie Maralngurra touching her hand stencil made when she was around 12. In the background are three white barramundi fish figures with red line-work also created by her father Djimongurr. Photograph by Fiona McKeague, copyright Parks Australia

Friday essay: ‘this is our library’ – how to read the amazing archive of First Nations stories written on rock

Australia’s stunning galleries of rock art are vast repositories of knowledge that can teach us much.
Members of the Yoorrook Justice Commission. Provided by Porter Novelli

First Peoples in Victoria have a right to the truth about the impact of colonisation

Formal hearings of the Yoorrook Justice Commission have begun in Melbourne. This is the first Indigenous-led justice commission of this kind in the world.
Cortlan Bennett/AAP

A history of destruction: why the WA Aboriginal cultural heritage bill will not prevent another Juukan Gorge-like disaster

Western Australia’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2021 is set to become law. But the new legislation states one elected official will decide whether heritage sites are destroyed for development.
Cape York. Dave Hunt/AAP Image

Australia has a heritage conservation problem. Can farming and Aboriginal heritage protection co-exist?

How can we improve the management of Queensland’s heritage sites? Can farming and the conservation of Aboriginal heritage co-exist?
Mural by Matt Adnate. Shutterstock

From dispossession to massacres, the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission sets a new standard for truth-telling

The Yoo-rrook Justice Commission is a royal commission seeking truth-telling on the historical and contemporary injustices experienced by First Nations peoples in Victoria.
PKKP and PKKP Aboriginal Corporation/AAP

Fixing Australia’s shocking record of Indigenous heritage destruction: Juukan inquiry offers a way forward

The A Way Forward report addresses the issues of cultural heritage protection in Australia after Rio Tinto destroyed Juukan Gorge. However, achieving change will be far from straightforward.


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