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London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) studies the social sciences in their broadest sense, with an academic profile spanning a wide range of disciplines, from economics, politics and law, to sociology, information systems and accounting and finance.

Founded in 1895 by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, the School has an outstanding reputation for academic excellence and is one of the most international universities in the world. Its study of social, economic and political problems focuses on the different perspectives and experiences of most countries. From its foundation LSE has aimed to be a laboratory of the social sciences, a place where ideas are developed, analysed, evaluated and disseminated around the globe. To date, 16 Nobel prize winners have been LSE staff or alumni and 34 past or present world leaders have studied or taught at LSE.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 295 articles

À Lagos, au Nigeria, les embouteillages peuvent être une question de vie ou de mort pour les femmes enceintes. Santos Akhilele Aburime/Shutterstock

S’appuyer sur les données Google Maps pour améliorer l’accès aux soins obstétricaux : l’exemple de Lagos

En utilisant les données de l’application de navigation, les chercheurs ont localisé les zones de Lagos, au Nigeria, où l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins d'urgence est le plus nécessaire.
Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir (kedua kiri) saat berkunjung ke PT Krakatau Steel di Cilegon, Banten, 13 Juli 2021. Antara Foto

Tiga cara agar Indonesia bisa naik kelas menjadi negara berpendapatan atas

reindustrialisasi perlu dilakukan agar Indonesia tidak hanya kembali menjadi negara pendapatan menengah atas, tapi juga naik kelas menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi.
Après un an et demi de crise sanitaire et de nombreux débats autour de l'hésitation vaccinale, les Français font malgré tout confiance, pour leur écrasante majorité, aux scientifiques du champ médical. Jody Amiet / AFP

Les Français et la science, une histoire de confiance

D’après l’enquête « Les Français et la Science » menée en novembre 2020, une écrasante majorité fait confiance aux scientifiques « pour dire la vérité sur le coronavirus ».
Substantial savings could be made by improving everyone’s mental wellbeing. SewCream/ Shutterstock

Mental wellbeing is not just beneficial for you – it can also lead to lower healthcare costs

Our study shows that higher levels of mental wellbeing is associated with less money being spent on health and social care.
A Somali military officer supporting anti-government forces on the streets of the capital Mogadishu. AFP via Getty Images

Somalia: toxic elite politics and the need for cautious external mediation

The international community is opposed to Farmaajo’s term extension because of fears that it’s a power grab consistent with political trends elsewhere in the region.
Seorang warga memperlihatkan sejumlah uang Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST) yang diperolehnya pada tahap kesebelas tahun 2021 di Kantor Pos Dumai, Riau, Rabu (17/2/2021). Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Sosial pada tahun 2021 kembali menyalurkan BST di masa pandemi COVID-19 kepada 10 juta Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) dengan nilai bantuan sebesar Rp300 ribu dan untuk di Kota Dumai sendiri terdapat sekitar 10,307 KPM yang akan menerima bantuan tersebut. ANTARA FOTO/Aswaddy Hamid/aww. Antara Foto

Dua alasan mengapa pemerintah perlu menambah bantuan sosial tahun 2021 bukan malah memotongnya

Pemerintah harus memperluas bantuan sosial ke kalangan yang rentan menjadi miskin karena dampak pandemi COVID-19 berkepanjangan.
Advocates of ‘school choice’ are often talking about wanting public funding for models like charter schools, but specialized programs should also be considered part of school choice debates. (Shutterstock)

‘School choice’ policies are associated with increased separation of students by social class

Letting parents choose which school their child attends positions parents as consumers, and often diverts students and funding away from public schools.


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