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Monash University

Change has been the driving force of Monash University’s growth and success for more than 60 years as we have strived to make a positive difference in the world, and it’s the foundation of our future as we redefine what it means to be a university.

Our Impact 2030 strategic plan charts the path for how we will actively contribute to addressing three key global challenges of the age – climate change, geopolitical security and thriving communities – through excellent research and education for the benefit of national and global communities.

With four Australian campuses, as well as campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia, major presence in India and China, and a significant centre and research foundation in Italy, our global network enriches our education and research, and nurtures enduring, diverse global relationships.

We harness the research and expertise of our global network of talent and campuses to produce tangible, real-world solutions and applications at the Monash Technology Precinct, where our ethos of change catalyses collaboration between researchers, infrastructure and industry, and drives innovation through commercial opportunities that deliver positive impact to human lives.

In our short history, we have skyrocketed through global university rankings and established ourselves consistently among the world’s best tertiary institutions. We rank in the world’s top-50 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and US News and World Report (USNWR) Best Global Universities Rankings 2022-23.

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Displaying 1661 - 1680 of 3988 articles

Kerendah hatian yang autentik mungkin langka diantara calon untuk posisi CEO.

Sulit menemukan CEO rendah hati. Ini alasannya

Kesuksesan bisa jadi berkat sekaligus kutukan. Daftar kesuksesan yang panjang dapat membuat seorang CEO menakar kelebihan mereka terlalu tinggi tanpa mengakui peran faktor-faktor lain.
Migrants from Myanmar at the gate of an immigration detention center in Medan on 5 April 2013. Relevant government officials in Indonesia acknowledge that immigration detention facilities should not be used for housing refugees and asylum seekers. But finding alternatives to detention to accommodate asylum seekers has been difficult. Reuters/Roni Bintang

Indonesian cities and regencies may be asked to shelter refugees – will they comply?

A new decree states that local administrations may be asked to provide shelter for asylum seekers and refugees. In reality, this may be rather challenging.
Imigran dari Myanmar di rumah detensi imigrasi di Medan, 5 April 2013. Banyak pejabat pemerintah mengakui bahwa rumah detensi imigrasi seharusnya tidak digunakan untuk menampung pengungsi dan pencari suaka. Selain terlalu penuh, tempat detensi didirikan bukan untuk tujuan itu. Reuters/Roni Bintang

Kota dan kabupaten mungkin diminta menampung pengungsi—maukah mereka?

Pemerintah daerah bisa saja diminta menyediakan penampungan bagi pencari suaka dan pengungsi menurut peraturan presiden tentang pengungsi. Ini mungkin akan menemui tantangan dalam pelaksanaannya.
Education is recognised in a number of the SDGs, particularly SDG 4 which calls for “inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann

Universities must act now on sustainability goals

Universities can contribute to the goals through education, research, innovation and leadership, but they need to get started now.
At first glance, old industrial sites, like this one in Carrington Street, don’t look like much. But they provide vital spaces for creative precincts to flourish. Paul Jones

Can our cities’ thriving creative precincts be saved from ‘renewal’?

A new project documents who uses urban industrial lands slated for redevelopment. It reveals a vibrant but largely hidden sector at the interface between creative industries and small manufacturing.
APRA chairman Wayne Byres says the inquiry will provide the CBA with change recommendations. Mick Tsikas/AAP

APRA could have investigated CBA years ago: experts

The APRA inquiry puts the regulator in the tricky position of trying to be seen to be tough on bank scandals but juggling its close relationship with the government and the CBA.
Wayne Swan has drawn a parallel between the the ALP’s ‘Laborism’ and New Labour’s ‘Third Way’ in the UK. Number 10/flickr

Was embracing the market a necessary evil for Labour and Labor?

While both parties may have set out to modernise and renew their ideologies, the ALP’s and Labour’s attempts to marry the old and new instead precipitated two separate identity crises.
Australia has a lack of regulation to prevent discrimination by life insurance companies based on genetic test results. from

Australians can be denied life insurance based on genetic test results, and there is little protection

Life insurance applicants must disclose genetic test results if required by the insurer. While other countries have protected consumers from this, there is no such regulation in Australia.
New rules will curb Chinese property development in Australia. Shutterstock

Why China is cracking down on overseas investment

The Chinese government is curtailing outbound investment. While this will affect the Australian property industry, the rest of the economy should be unaffected.


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