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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 561 - 580 of 1082 articles

Lucy Haslam and Alex Wodak helped convince the public and politicians that the time for legalised medicinal cannabis had come. AAP/Alan Porritt

Change Agents: Alex Wodak and Lucy Haslam on the push to legalise medicinal cannabis

Change Agents: The push to legalise medicinal cannabis CC BY-NC-SA46.9 MB (download)
In 2016 three Australian states and the Commonwealth passed laws to legalise the growing of medicinal cannabis. It was an extraordinary result for a campaign that struggled for decades to gain traction.
Blockchain looms as the second generation of the internet by transforming it from an internet of information to an internet of value. Sergey Nivens from

How blockchain will transform our cities

If you think the internet has changed your life, brace yourself for the next digital innovation that’s set to transform our world.
Maria Schneider and Marlon Brando in a scene from Last Tango in Paris. Les Productions Artistes Associés

Why we should no longer consider Last Tango in Paris ‘a classic’

Revelations of sexual abuse in the making of Last Tango in Paris give the film ‘the air of a snuff piece’. Film scholars must reassess the work – there is no place for revering artistic achievement over human suffering.
Superheroes – and villains – are more popular than they’ve ever been.

Why the world needs superheroes

From Wonder Woman to Doctor Strange, superheroes are at peak popularity. As political orthodoxies across the world fall away, these flawed, but good-hearted characters speak to modern anxieties.
The ACCC has blocked the big four banks from bargaining with Apple for more control over Apple Pay. Damir Sagolj/Reuters

ACCC rejects the banks colluding to bargain on Apple Pay

The banks could have used their collective bargaining power not only against Apple for Apple Pay but also stall the adoption of mobile payments in Australia.
The gas giant Saturn revealed in all its splendour by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. This vantage point revealed the hexagonal storm raging on the pole as well as the innermost rings surrounding the planet. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Thanksgiving space dinners, threading Saturn’s rings and impossible warp drives

Fuel-less rockets, Thanksgiving space-treats and threading an interplanetary needle, space never gets dull.
Social anxiety is considered a disorder when people have an excessive fear of negative evaluation or judgement triggered by social or performance situations. Camila Paez/Shutterstock

Explainer: what is exposure therapy and how can it treat social anxiety?

Exposure therapy, where people face their feared social situations, is one treatment that can be used to treat social anxiety. So how does it work?
Denying prisoners internet access seriously damages their prospects of rehabilitation. Lightspring from

Give prisoners internet access for a safer and more humane community

If we are serious about rehabilitating prisoners and reducing reoffending, then education and integration back into the community are vital. Today, internet access is essential to achieve that.
Policy uncertainty within government surrounding climate change complicates efforts by carbon-intensive companies to develop a long-term strategy. Nikki Short/AAP

Policy uncertainty continues to hamper carbon emissions management

Managers from carbon intensive companies are holding off on long term emissions strategies because of uncertainty around regulations and policies, new research finds.
Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election defied almost all predictions. EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

How did we get the result of the US election so wrong?

Swinburne political scientist Bryan Cranton looks at why so many experts got the US Election so wrong
A man stands in front of a convoy of tanks in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, in 1989. REUTERS Arthur Tsang

On HIV, Tiananmen Square and science

In light of the fact that the Australian government has announced its intention to place a lifetime visa ban on boat people who arrive here, and that in America one of the candidates for the US Presidency…
Tobacco companies are adapting to Australia’s plain packaging laws by lowering prices and changing their marketing strategies. Chris Wattie/Reuters

How the tobacco industry is gaming Australian health regulations

Big tobacco companies have found a way around plain packaging with clever marketing techniques that undermine Australian regulations.
For women of reproductive age and Indigenous women, intimate partner violence is the single biggest health risk factor. from

Study confirms intimate partner violence leading health risk factor for women

A study being launched today by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety confirms the serious impacts of intimate partner violence.

Do we thank science for all our prosperity?

It is easy to see the benefits from the advances we have made in physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science and the life sciences. Without these impressive leaps in understanding, we would not have…


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