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Swinburne University of Technology

Swinburne is an innovative education institution that provides quality career-oriented education. Our strong technological base and links with industry are complemented by innovative research centres and strong international partnerships. Swinburne has programs for learners at every level, from vocational training through to PhDs, with pathway opportunities that allow students to achieve their personal best education outcome.


Displaying 821 - 840 of 1082 articles

Paul Verhoeven tells tall stories in his debut Melbourne Fringe Show. Photo: Alan Moyle Photobat. Melbourne Fringe

The truth about Tell Me Lies at the Melbourne Fringe

We might assume the stories stand-up comedians tell us are true, or at least contain a grain of truth – something their partner said, their kids did. But of course they’re often personalising their stories…
Australians have circumvented geo-blocking restrictions to subscribe to Netflix. Denys Prykhodov/

Unlocking the geoblock: Australians embrace VPNs

In recent months there have been many reports of Australians covertly signing up for the US streaming service Netflix, using fake postcodes and software workarounds to fool its geo-blocking system. One…
The government’s higher education reforms will benefit the prestigious universities with branding and price power, but few others. Supplied

Non-Go8 university leaders seek changes to higher education bill

Leaders of Australia’s middle-tier and regional universities are concerned that the government’s proposed higher education package will hurt their brand and their students. At a conference in Melbourne…
Heard the one about turning it off and on again? Adam Ethan Crow

Geek laughs: Control Alt Delete at the Melbourne Fringe

Computers. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you’d be hard pressed to find a person who has never experienced them in one way or another. They are part of our world, integrated into our lives through our phones and…
Mama Alto performs the songs of Sarah Vaughan at the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Lauren Connely/Flickr

Mama Alto pays homage to Sarah Vaughan at the Melbourne Fringe

In their 2014 Melbourne Fringe Festival performance Mama Alto and her musical director Tiffani Walton pay tribute to Sarah Vaughan, one of the great ladies of American song. Mama Alto charmed her audience…
House of Cards and geographical segmentation tend to get people a little hot under the collar. Foxtel

Harper’s competition review is good news for Netflix consumers

It’s been an interesting month in Australian copyright law. A couple of weeks ago, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced that the government’s proposed reforms to strengthen copyright were…
Sacking Brenton Sanderson as coach may rebound on the Adelaide Crows if the club doesn’t have a strong replacement ready to step in. AAP/Ben Macmahon

Sack the coach? Wait, there’s more to fixing a club than that

The football season is almost over, but the coach-sacking season has just begun. In the AFL, the Adelaide Crows sacked coach Brenton Sanderson despite only recently having extended his contract. Media…

Please un-do ‘booty’ pop videos

Dear Music Industrial Complex, Do you mind if I call you Mic? I normally don’t write about pop music, but I am upset. I know that sex sells, but may I make a special request of no more music videos consisting…
George Rose’s light is one of the products on display at this year’s Fringe Furniture exhibition. Anna Lorenzetto

Fringe Furniture: the products that help us understand who we are

Every product is a blabbermouth; it has a tendency to answer every question – and then some - Del Coates. Coates, an American industrial designer and design academic, is right. The processes and outputs…
Sarkeesian has been the focus of much online hatred since she started her website Feminist Frequency in 2009. Anita Sarkeesian

Vitriolic abuse of Anita Sarkeesian: why the games industry needs her

Three weeks ago, well-known feminist gaming critic Anita Sarkeesian was forced to leave her San Francisco home due to an ongoing tirade of abuse and threats. Members of a vocal minority of online trolls…
Jasmine Togo Brisby’s work is on display at Deadly Nui Art at the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Kimba Thomson/Blak Dot Gallery

Melbourne Fringe review: DNA (Deadly Nui Art) at Blak Dot Gallery

On the wall hang three portraits of contemporary South Pacific Islanders, some with ships and all with duty stamps in the foreground. Skulls of sealed raw sugar glisten on a table. Bitter Sweet is the…
Now you see him … Eric Tastad/Flickr

Invisibility cloaks closer thanks to ‘digital metamaterials’

The concept of “digital metamaterials” – a simple way of designing metamaterials with bizarre optical properties that could hasten the development of devices such as invisibility cloaks and superlenses…

Un-doing disrespect: women and design

Having recently attended my university’s graduation ceremony, I noted again what seems to have become a global trend — design is becoming a field where the majority of practitioners are women. I have made…
Apple Pay could help make contactless payments mainstream. Monica Davey/EPA/AAP

With Apple Pay, Apple just took payment security to the banks

Today’s launch of the Apple Pay mobile payments service has the potential to eliminate the need for us to carry payment cards in our purses or wallets - but as always converting potential to reality is…

Facebook: the last post?

In retrospect if I’m being honest our relationship had been in trouble for some time. It had all started off innocently enough, sharing some photos of my latest trip or cycling exploit, exchanging stories…
The government wants your movements online to be retained by ISPs and other companies. Flickr/Envato

What metadata does the government want about you?

With the leaking of a discussion paper on telecommunications data retention, we are at last starting to get some clarity as to just what metadata the Abbott government is likely to ask telecommunications…

Breaking the vase

Every Thursday, I go to the Prahran Market in Melbourne and buy, among other things, cut flowers. Since moving into a mid-rise apartment from a flat with a garden, I arrange flowers for my dining room…
Ian Macfarlane – here at the Anglo Australian Telescope in April – had science lumped in with his industry ministry. AAP/Alan Porritt

Science and the Coalition: two big policies, one year and no minister

On science and technology, the Abbott government is somewhat of a paradox. On one hand, the government passionately believes that deregulating the university sector is essential. By taking caps off fees…
Swift is privileged, as only apex predators are, with the ability to pick and choose from any (cultural) food source. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Taylor Swift is the great white shark of pop music

In the same week American rapper Nicki Minaj released Anaconda, a music video dedicated to celebrating “the butt”, US singer-songwriter Taylor Swift released a video, Shake It Off, accidentally dedicated…

Citizens unite online to beat big business

There’s nothing corporations like more than a good monopoly. Plug in the consumer and turn on the profits! In Australia there’s seemingly no end to the spiralling cost of living as our utilities, banks…


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