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Texas A&M University

Texas A&M is the state’s oldest public university and largest university, and one of the largest in the nation: a research-intensive, land-grant institution with more than 69,300 students, including nearly 15,000 in graduate or professional school. Students choose from more than 130 undergraduate and 272 graduate degree programs in 16 colleges and schools, and participate in more than 1,100 student-run organizations and activities (including the Big Event, the largest one-day, student-run service project in the United States).

Texas A&M ranks in the top 20 nationally in research expenditures, with more than $922 million in FY2018 (National Science Foundation), and is a member of the Association of American Universities. Texas A&M ranks at or near the top among universities nationally in the areas of academic excellence, value, and affordability; on-time student graduation rates (both overall and for minorities); student engagement and happiness; and students who graduate with less college-related debt and become the nation’s highest-earning graduates. Texas A&M also has more graduates serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies than any other university.


Displaying 341 - 360 of 371 articles

Trump and Cruz during the GOP debate, round 6. North Charleston, South Carolina January 14, 2016. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Four quotes from the sixth GOP presidential debate, explained by experts

Our panel of scholars listened to the sixth GOP debate with a critical ear and picked one quote to analyze.
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina on December 4 2015. Jonathan Drake/Reuters

The rhetorical brilliance of Trump the demagogue

An expert on American political rhetoric breaks down Donald Trump’s rhetorical prowess, pointing to the various techniques the candidate has mastered.
British Prime Minister Cameron meets Egypt’s President Sisi outside of 10 Downing Street in London. Stefan Wermuth/REUTERS

Egypt’s Sisi signals shift toward Muslim Brotherhood

Egypt’s president has devoted three years to cracking down on the Muslim Brotherhood. Now ISIS is forcing him to pull his punches.
Reports suggest President Xi will meet with US tech leaders this week. Will that overshadow his meeting with President Obama? Reuters

Why the US has little to fear from Chinese leaders meeting with tech titans

While the timing of the planned forum is not ideal, it continues a long tradition of Chinese leaders engaging with US tech leaders and may prove beneficial to overall relations.
While the higher gas mileage may lead people to drive a green car more often, its other attributes may be less appealing. Green car via

Do greener cars lead consumers to hit the road more often?

Some worry that efforts to reduce energy consumption by increasing fuel efficiency cause a so-called rebound effect that eats into the expected savings. We tested the theory.


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