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The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland is a pace-setter in discovery and translational research, and is committed to teaching excellence and outstanding mentorship that leads to well-rounded graduates who are equipped to live and work effectively in a global environment. UQ is a global top 50 university and Queensland’s biggest.


Displaying 601 - 620 of 2964 articles

Grand Park, a multi-use sporting facility in Westfield, Ind., was built to lure youth sports competitions and tourists to the region. AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Why massive new youth sports facilities may not lead to the tourist boom many communities hope for when they build them

New research suggests parents are too focused on their children’s competition to spend time or money on things that don’t involve the tournament, hotel stays or quick dining.
Tempat pengeringan rumput laut di Sulawesi Selatan Risya Arsyi Armis

Harga rumput laut yang fluktuatif pengaruhi Indonesia sebagai produsen terbesar dunia. Apa saja penyebabnya?

Tulisan ini didanai oleh pemerintah Australia melalui program PAIR milik the Australia Indonesia Centre
Coastal area in Takalar, South Sulawesi, December 2021. Photo by Radhiyah Ruhon

Indonesia is the world’s largest seaweed producer but why are prices so volatile?

This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australia-Indonesia Centre under the PAIR Program
Jan van Eyck, The Ghent Altarpiece, 1432. Virgin Mary detail. Wikimedia Commons

5 things to know about Mary, the mother of Jesus

In the New Testament, there is nothing about Mary’s birth, death, appearance, or age. What we do know about the mother of Jesus is, in fact, quite surprising.
The Feast of the Bean King, painted by Jacob Jordaens around 1640-1645. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

The sordid underbelly of Christmas past

We tend to romanticise the Christmas season, that time of year when we gather with friends and family, feast and be merry. But for most of its history Christmas has been a time of sordid behaviour.


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