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The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland is a pace-setter in discovery and translational research, and is committed to teaching excellence and outstanding mentorship that leads to well-rounded graduates who are equipped to live and work effectively in a global environment. UQ is a global top 50 university and Queensland’s biggest.


Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 2964 articles

Hutan Desa bisa menurunkan kemiskinan dan deforestasi jika dilakukan dengan baik. Fehmiu Roffytavare/shutterstock

Riset: Perhutanan Sosial di Indonesia mampu lindungi lingkungan dan turunkan tingkat kemiskinan

Penelitian membuktikan skema perhutanan sosial, yaitu Hutan Desa, bisa menurunkan tingkat kemiskinan, namun juga untuk menekan laju deforestasi.
The role of women in futuristic drama TV series ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ makes references to Darwin’s writings on evolution. (Shutterstock)

How Darwin’s sexual selection theory co-stars in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

In the television show ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ Charles Darwin’s ‘Descent of Man’ makes a cameo — and its appearance makes a comment on how Gilead functions.
Otoritas kesehatan khawatir karena mereka tidak tahu betapa berbahayanya virus corona ini. Facundo Arrizaba BALAGA

Haruskah kita khawatir pada coronavirus dari Wuhan?

Sejauh ini, kita tahu coronavirus Wuhan yang baru menyebabkan pneumonia dan karenanya rumah sakit adalah tempat yang memungkinkan terjadi penyebaran virus ini.
Health authorities are worried because they don’t know how dangerous this strain of coronavirus could be. Facundo Arrizaba BALAGA

Should we be worried about the new Wuhan coronavirus?

The virus seems to spread like any other respiratory illness – through coughs and sneezes, or contact with contaminated surfaces. Here’s what we know about it so far.
Glossy black cockatoo populations on Kangaroo Island have been decimated. But a few precious survivors remain. Flickr

Conservation scientists are grieving after the bushfires – but we must not give up

The destruction of recent fires is challenging our belief that with enough time, love and money, every threatened species can be saved. But there is plenty we can, and must, now do.
US President Donald Trump has tweeted ‘Witch Hunt’ approximately once every three days since his inauguration two years ago. The Crucible (1996)/IMDB

You think this is a witch hunt, Mr President? That’s an insult to the women who suffered

With President Donald Trump’s frequent use of the term “witch hunt” he paints himself as a victim. The women persecuted in one of history’s darkest chapters should not be forgotten so easily.
Actor Russell Crowe, who lives in Nana Glen, in northeast New South Wales, with neighbours. The area was hit by bushfires in early November 2019. Russell Crowe/Twitter

Celebrity concern about bushfires could do more harm than good. To help they need to put boots on the ground

For attracting attention and money to a cause, celebrity-driven attention is hard to beat. But there’s also a downside.


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