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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 701 - 720 of 2146 articles

Our first episode of Trust Me, I’m An Expert tackles the debate unfolding as Australia contemplates changing the Marriage Act to allow same-sex couple to marry. Axel Heimken/dpa

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a lawyer, a biblical scholar and a fact-checker walk into the same-sex marriage debate…

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: Episode 1 The Conversation, CC BY-ND81.9 MB (download)
In this episode of Trust Me I'm An Expert, we're wading into the same-sex marriage debate with experts on the Bible and the law, and fact-checking claims that kids do best with a mother and a father.
It is difficult to find two G20 neighbours which trade and invest in each other as little as Australia and Indonesia do.

Australia tries to unlock the benefits of proximity with Indonesia

Trade and investment between Indonesia and Australia is very little despite their proximity. But there are signs of change in the way Australia thinks about Indonesia.
Comment la start-up Filecoin, financée par ICO, voit son business… et sa cryptomonnaie.

ICO : des levées de fonds… en cryptomonnaie

Les « initial coin offerings » bousculent les modes de financement initiaux des start-up. Mais de quoi s’agit-il ? Analyse de ce marché à l’occasion du premier ICO d’une start-up française, DomRaider.
This pamphlet, authorised by the Australian Conservatives, was received in a letter box in a Victorian suburb in September. Supplied

FactCheck: will Safe Schools be ‘mandatory’ if same-sex marriage is legalised?

‘Vote No’ campaign material distributed by the Australian Conservatives claims that if same-sex marriage is legalised, the Safe Schools program will be ‘mandatory in schools’. We looked at the facts.
On this podcast, academic experts separate the signal from the noise, the data from the anecdotes, explain the science, look at the peer-reviewed evidence and ignore the media hype. The Conversation

Trust Me, I’m An Expert: a new podcast from The Conversation

Everything from the curious to the serious The Conversation, CC BY-ND4.16 MB (download)
A new monthly podcast from The Conversation, where we bring you the most fascinating, surprising stories from the academic world.
Perth has long had many fine parks but is losing vegetation cover in a band of increasingly dense development across the city. Ruben Schade/flickr

We’re investing heavily in urban greening, so how are our cities doing?

A new study shows major Australian cities are suffering an overall loss of green space – although some areas are doing better than others.
Un drapeau pirate, brandi lors de l'ouverture du procès de The Pirate Bay, le 16 février 2009. xm7/Wikimedia Commons

Survivre sans publicité ? Un site pirate a peut-être trouvé la solution

Comment les sites Internet peuvent-ils se financer sans que des publicités intempestives gênent leurs utilisateurs ? Le célèbre site de téléchargement The Pirate Bay a expérimenté une solution.
A drain carries water but does little else, but imagine how different the neighbourhood would be if the drain could be transformed into a living stream. Zoe Myers

More than just drains: recreating living streams through the suburbs

Drains take up precious but inaccessible open space in our cities. Converting these to living streams running through the suburbs could make for healthier places in multiple ways.
Vous avez pris l'habitude d'installer régulièrement des mises à jour sur votre smartphone ? Vous allez pouvoir en faire de même avec votre voiture. Shutterstock

Bientôt, vous mettrez à jour votre voiture comme votre smartphone

Les clients de certains constructeurs automobiles reçoivent déjà des mises à jour de leur véhicule via Internet. Un système appelé à se généraliser, malgré les craintes qu’il suscite.
Bayi yang dilahirkan oleh ibu yang stres semasa hamil lebih rentan terkena asma dan alergi pada masa kanak-kanak, serta lebih sering dirawat di rumah sakit akibat penyakit menular seperti gangguan pernapasan dan gastroenteritis.

Apakah stres pada masa kehamilan dapat membahayakan bayi saya?

Para wanita hamil tentu sudah akrab dengan nasihat kesehatan untuk berhenti merokok dan menghindari alkohol, tetapi tak banyak saran mengenai stres semasa kehamilan.


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