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Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

A Universidade de São Paulo (USP) é uma universidade pública, mantida pelo Estado de São Paulo e vinculada à Secretaria de Estado da Economia, Ciência e Tecnologia. O talento e a dedicação do corpo docente, dos alunos e dos funcionários têm sido reconhecidos por vários rankings mundiais, elaborados para medir a qualidade das universidades a partir de diversos critérios, especialmente aqueles relacionados à produtividade científica.

The University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and linked to the Secretary of State for Economic, Science and Technology. The talent and dedication of faculty, students and staff have been recognized by various world rankings, designed to measure the quality of universities from many criteria, especially those related to scientific productivity.


Displaying 41 - 58 of 58 articles

Out and about: Jair Bolsanaro waves to supporters during a rally in Brasilia on April 19. Joedson Alves/EPA

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s strategy of chaos hinders coronavirus response

Jair Bolsonaro has ignored and openly challenged the advice of health authorities, sacked his health minister and tried to use the pandemic for political gain.
A live Padaungiella lageniformis wiggles its pseudopods. Daniel J. G. Lahr

‘Micro snails’ we scraped from sidewalk cracks help unlock details of ancient earth’s biological evolution

Using the family relationships between single-celled protists alive today, researchers hypothesized what their evolutionary ancestors looked like – and then looked in the fossil record for matches.
Scorpions used to be a rural problem in Brazil. Now, residents of São Paulo and other urban areas are dealing with an infestation of these venomous creatures. AP Photo/Alexandre Meneghini

Venomous yellow scorpions are moving into Brazil’s big cities – and the infestation may be unstoppable

Brazil’s scorpion infestation, which is terrorizing residents of São Paulo and other major cities, is a classic ‘wicked problem.’ That means officials must think outside-the-box to fix it.
Des touristes nagent parmi les poissons dans les eaux chaudes de la rivière Cuiaba (État du Mato Grosso) au Brésil.

Les effets inattendus de l’écotourisme sur les populations animales

Profiter de ses vacances pour être au plus près de la nature en explorant des aires protégées ? Pourquoi pas, mais en tenant compte d'éventuelles conséquences insidieuses sur la faune locale.
While ecotourists enjoy the warm waters of the Cuiaba River in Brazil, our presence in natural areas like this may have unanticipated costs for local wildlife.

Ecotourism could be making animals less scared, and easier to eat

We often think of ecotourism as good for the environment. But it may have some worrying unintended consequences for wild animals.
The Amazon contains half of the world’s tropical rainforests. CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture/Flickr

Drying Amazon threatens to increase carbon emissions

Drought in the Amazon increases the release of carbon into the atmosphere, according to research published today in Nature. The Amazon plays a key role in the Earth’s climate system, thanks to the extent…
The cosy relationship between the psychiatry and Big Pharma has come under increasing scrutiny. Hannah Nicole Aspire

Depression, drugs and the DSM: a tale of self-interest and public outrage

MATTERS OF THE MIND – a series which examines the clinician’s bible for diagnosing mental disorders, the DSM, and the controversy surrounding the forthcoming fifth edition. In Australia, antidepressant…


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