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Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

A Universidade de São Paulo (USP) é uma universidade pública, mantida pelo Estado de São Paulo e vinculada à Secretaria de Estado da Economia, Ciência e Tecnologia. O talento e a dedicação do corpo docente, dos alunos e dos funcionários têm sido reconhecidos por vários rankings mundiais, elaborados para medir a qualidade das universidades a partir de diversos critérios, especialmente aqueles relacionados à produtividade científica.

The University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and linked to the Secretary of State for Economic, Science and Technology. The talent and dedication of faculty, students and staff have been recognized by various world rankings, designed to measure the quality of universities from many criteria, especially those related to scientific productivity.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 52 articles

Sessão do Congresso que discutiu o marco legal para a indústria de jogos eletrônicos e jogos de fantasia: diante da divergência entre os especialistas, senadores defenderam o adiamento da votação da matéria. Agência Senado

Análise: Projeto de lei que propõe classificar jogos de fantasia como videogames abre brechas preocupantes

O jogo infinito: fantasy game promete premiar os melhores “técnicos” virtuais, e a busca pelo time perfeito nunca termina, gerando dependência e armadilhas financeiras
On estime que 30 à 50 % de la population mondiale est porteuse du parasite Toxoplasma gondii, qui cause la toxoplasmose. (Shutterstock)

Une personne sur trois est infectée par le parasite causant la toxoplasmose – la piste à suivre pourrait se trouver dans nos yeux

Après avoir examiné des photos d’yeux dans la population australienne, nous avons découvert qu’une personne sur 150 pourrait avoir des cicatrices dues à une maladie parasitaire courante.
Aerial view of native seedlings for forest restoration at the the Instituto Terra, Aimores, Brazil. Christian Ender/Getty Images

Arbor Day: Why planting trees isn’t enough

Large-scale tree-planting projects are politically popular and media-friendly, but without effective planning and long-term management, they can do more harm than good.
The Paraná basin in Brazil provides evidence that one of the world’s largest super-eruptions did not cause a mass extinction. (Shutterstock)

Huge volcanic eruption didn’t cause climate change and mass extinction 140 million years ago

Huge volcanic eruptions were once believed to be the cause of mass extinctions on Earth. However, new research has found that super eruptions did not necessarily result in mass extinctions.
Government should be held accountable for its role in addressing obesity and diet-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, in South Africa. Shutterstock

How South African food companies go about shaping public health policy in their favour

The food industry’s tactics are designed to reduce the likelihood of the government adopting global recommendations to tackle obesity.
Pangolins have been found with covonaviruses that are genetically similar to the one afflicting humans today. Jekesai Njikizana/AFP/Getty Images

How deforestation helps deadly viruses jump from animals to humans

Yellow fever, malaria and Ebola all spilled over from animals to humans at the edges of tropical forests. The new coronavirus is the latest zoonosis.
Out and about: Jair Bolsanaro waves to supporters during a rally in Brasilia on April 19. Joedson Alves/EPA

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s strategy of chaos hinders coronavirus response

Jair Bolsonaro has ignored and openly challenged the advice of health authorities, sacked his health minister and tried to use the pandemic for political gain.
A live Padaungiella lageniformis wiggles its pseudopods. Daniel J. G. Lahr

‘Micro snails’ we scraped from sidewalk cracks help unlock details of ancient earth’s biological evolution

Using the family relationships between single-celled protists alive today, researchers hypothesized what their evolutionary ancestors looked like – and then looked in the fossil record for matches.


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