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University of Cincinnati

The University of Cincinnati offers students a balance of educational excellence and real-world experience. UC is a public research university with an enrollment of more than 42,000 students.


Displaying 21 - 35 of 35 articles

Educators can use story-telling to make students more politically aware. Rido/

Teaching hope during the 2020 campaign season

Election campaigns inspire hope, but they can also quickly lead to political despair. A scholar says young citizens can learn how to take positive action and stay hopeful.
Living in a country with more gender equality results in better sleep for both men and women. Flikr

Why couples sleep better in more gender-equal societies

While women’s sleep is affected by children, men’s sleep is affected by work and finance stress. Couples living in more gender equal countries have improved sleep quality.
Students walk out of school in March 2018 as part of a nationwide protest against gun violence. Lynne Sladky/AP

Could protest curb school violence? Lessons from the opt-out movement

Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan has called for a school boycott to change the nation’s gun laws and make schools safer. A scholar who studies protest explains how the boycott could work.
Hundreds of students protesting gun violence marched to the Minnesota State Capitol on March 7, 2018. Jim Mone/AP

Teaching students how to dissent is part of democracy

As part of preparing students to live in a democracy, schools should teach students how to engage in political dissent, a philosophy of education scholar argues.
Educafro, a Brazilian black activist movement, protested in 2012 to demand more affirmative action programs for higher education. AP Photo/Eraldo Peres

Affirmative action around the world

‘Positive discrimination’ policies around the world are on the rise. What might other countries teach the U.S. about attaining racial, economic and gender equality in higher education?
Walt Disney used defaults to get children to eat healthier foods, but not all nudges have consumers’ interests at heart. Gary Kazanjian/AP Photo

‘Default’ choices have big impact, but how to make sure they’re used ethically?

Defaults are powerful tools that policymakers and marketers can use to nudge us to make certain choices, whether in our interest or in theirs. How do we ensure they’re used responsibly?
Poul Henningsen’s Artichoke Lamp, viewed from below at London’s Park Plaza Hotel. Doc Searls/Wikimedia Commons

From the mundane to the divine, some of the best-designed products of all time

We asked five design experts – what’s your favorite product of all time, and why?
Traditional nonprofits help ensure aid gets to ‘hidden’ populations like the homeless. Reuters

Why the world still needs nonprofits

Giving cash directly to the needy is a growing trend, but in most cases it’s not nearly as effective funneling donations through a charity with ‘boots on the ground.’
Universities in South Africa do it… image via

Affirmative action should be viewed in global context

“Affirmative action won’t be around for much longer, ” said one of our professors twenty years ago, advising against writing a dissertation on this topic. The United States Supreme Court’s Schuette decision…


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