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University of Groningen

The University of Groningen has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614. Out of this tradition rose the first female student and the first female lecturer in the Netherlands, the first Dutch astronaut and the first president of the European Central Bank. Geographically, the University is rooted in the North of the Netherlands, a region very close to its heart.

The University provides high quality research and teaching in a broad and varied range of fields of study. It is distinguished by the close link the University of Groningen has forged between research and teaching, a bond that does justice to their interdependence.

As an institution facilitating academic research and teaching, the University works at the forefront in its respective fields. The University undertakes its cooperative relationships on the basis of openness and equality. In these relationships, the University is socially involved, purposeful and creative. The University stimulates current debate on scientific, social and cultural issues and is clear and convincing in such debates.

Research and teaching at the University of Groningen is internationally oriented. Students from every continent can prepare themselves in Groningen for their international career paths. Researchers operating within an extensive network of cooperation contacts work at the forefront of knowledge, affirming the University’s worldwide reputation.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 40 articles

Textile workers at the Fine Spinners clothing factory in Uganda. Jon Rosenthal/Alamy

Many African countries had a surprise manufacturing surge in 2010s – it bodes well for the years ahead

Industrialisation was key to long-term economic growth in the west and Asia. After years of going in the wrong direction, new research suggests that many African countries have seen a turnaround.
Véhicule blindé français non loin du Mont Hombori au Mali dans le cadre de l'opération Barkhane (2019). Le travail scientifique a alerté sur la corrélation entre opérations militaires et attentats. Daphné BENOIT / AFP

Politiques antiterroristes : quel rôle pour la recherche ?

Dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme, la recherche doit-elle uniquement porter sur les politiques publiques ou doit-elle aussi informer les citoyens ?
Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Coronavirus is a ‘sliding doors’ moment. What we do now could change Earth’s trajectory

New research reveals which sectors of the global economy fuelled the emissions decline during COVID-19. We have a narrow window of time to make the change permanent.
Lucas Jackson/Reuters

El coronavirus, un punto de no retorno: lo que hagamos ahora puede cambiar el rumbo del planeta

Una nueva investigación analiza los sectores económicos responsables de la caída global de emisiones debida a la COVID-19. Tenemos una pequeño margen de tiempo para hacer el cambio permanente.
Le 11 mai 2020, à Saint-Malo, marquage d’une piste cyclable. Damien MEYER/AFP

Covid et baisse des émissions de CO₂ : une nouvelle étude fait le point secteur par secteur

De tout récents travaux du Global Carbon Project montrent dans le détail les effets de la pandémie et du confinement sur l’économie mondiale.
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils says the bill doesn’t go far enough to protect religious minorities in an increasingly intolerant society. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

The biggest hurdle for the Coalition’s religious discrimination bill: how to define ‘religion’

Many scholars agree it is impossible to have a clear, universal definition of religion. Given this ambiguity, passing new laws using a specific concept of religion can have serious repercussions.
Atunes en proceso de transformación para su exportación. Cairns, Asutralia. Sirtravelalot / Shutterstock

La conexión entre marcas de atún y mano de obra esclava

Tres investigadores de Australia y Países Bajos se han adentrado en el mundo de las cadenas de venta de túnidos para descubrir que la inmensa mayoría hace negocio gracias a suministradores surasiáticos que explotan a sus trabajadores sin ningún tipo de miramiento.
Tracking the journey of tuna from the seas around Thailand to Australian supermarket shelves shows modern slavery is a pervasive problem.

Almost every brand of tuna on supermarket shelves shows why modern slavery laws are needed

Just one brand of tinned tuna in Australian supermarkets is able to confidently claim slavery was not involved in its supply.
Unemployment has higher psychic costs for workers who identify with the Protestant work ethic. Image sourced from

O, what a tangled Weber we weave with unemployment

Recently released labour force figures have shown a rise in unemployment figures to 5.8% and, with Treasury’s budget update slating a rise to 6.25% by the end of the financial year, the future doesn’t…


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