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Articles on Quick reads

Displaying 361 - 380 of 1034 articles

Experts estimate that close to 90% of the U.S. population must be vaccinated to reach herd immunity for COVID-19. David McNew/AFP via Getty Images

What is herd immunity? A public health expert and a medical laboratory scientist explain

Vaccination campaigns like the ones that eventually eliminated polio and measles in the United States required decades of education and awareness in order to achieve herd immunity in the U.S. population.
Public spending aimed at reducing poverty can lead to deep reductions in child maltreatment and could improve overall child well-being. shih-wei/ E+ via Getty Images

State spending on anti-poverty programs could substantially reduce child abuse and neglect

Public investments in benefit programs could save tens of thousands of children from being victims of child abuse and have important later-life effects on child welfare and overall health.
Free bagged lunches are ready for distribution at a public school in Fayette, Miss., on March 3, 2021. AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

The pandemic has made it even harder for one in three Americans to obtain healthy, affordable food

A recent survey finds that the pandemic made it harder for many US households to put food on the table. It also changed the ways in which people buy and store food.
On average, two students in every U.S. classroom have ADHD. damircudic/E+ via Getty Images

What causes ADHD and can it be cured?

Even when the condition lasts a lifetime, there are behavioral treatments and prescription drugs that make it easier for people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to thrive.
A volunteer distributes face masks in a rural California community in February 2021. Mel Melcon/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Having COVID-19 or being close to others who get it may make you more charitable

Experiments in the US and Italy that observed people’s charitable choices found similar results: People tend to prefer to help local communities.
Your teeth will be better off if you refrain from chomping on ice cubes. Credit: Laurence Monneret/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Is chewing on ice cubes bad for your teeth?

A dentist explains why this is a habit worth breaking – no matter the cause or the strength of your cravings to keep doing it.

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