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Environment – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 4051 - 4075 of 4510 articles

It depends if the price is right, it seems. Peter Byrne/PA

Fracking will be tried in the court of public opinion in 2015

There has been an anxious search for new sources of fossil fuels, and shale gas appears to offer Britain a key national resource. But the nation’s new-found hydrocarbon wealth has met with far from universal…
Protecting these guys from famine is in Kim Jong-Un’s interest. Mike Connolly

Behind North Korea’s surprising compliance on climate change

When we think of North Korea, we think of a nation determined to be an outsider in the international community. Whether it’s testing nuclear weapons or threatening London hairdressers, the Democratic People’s…
Going, going, gone: Antartica’s Larssen ice shelf. MODIS/NASA

Melting glaciers deform the Earth’s mantle and crust

The significant retreat of elements of the West Antarctic ice sheet such as the Thwaites glacier recently reported in the journal Science suggests a possible sea level rise of 3 to 3.7m. This is a huge…
Stack ‘em high: big, health reefs take the sting out of stormy seas. Dennis M. Sabangan/EPA

Coral reefs work as nature’s sea walls – it pays to look after them

Coral reefs: fragile, delicate, and in danger? Actually coral reefs can be the first line in defence against incoming storms, reducing the power of incoming waves by 97%, even during hurricane-force winds…
I want to break free. Center for Great Apes

Zoos of the future break down the enclosure walls

The experience of visiting a zoo is about to change dramatically. The Next Generation Zoo concept is based on how animals use space in the wild, giving them more freedom and better using the resources…
Cleaned out - badgers can make quick work of even spiny hedgehogs. Steve Plummer

The badger cull is not the answer to hedgehogs’ problems

What to do, when two of Britain’s most loved animals run up against each other? In a study recently published in the journal PLOS One, we found that the numbers of hedgehogs living in suburban areas in…