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Articles on Culture

Displaying 161 - 180 of 333 articles

As cultures evolve and societies develop, people’s change the way they think about good and evil. from

Changing morals: we’re more compassionate than 100 years ago, but more judgmental too

An analysis of billions of words in the Google Books database shows the way society has valued moral principles such as compassion, respect for authority, community values and fairness over time.
‘Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor’ by William Halsall (1882). Pilgrim Hall Museum

Why the Pilgrims were actually able to survive

The Pilgrims repeatedly thanked God for their good fortune. But without two earlier developments, the entire undertaking at New Plymouth would have likely failed.
The experience “this happened to me” is stronger than “this happened” in memory formation. epicharmus/flickr

What do your earliest childhood memories say about you?

We sometimes see memory as a video camera, recording our lives accurately and without bias – but this is a myth. Instead, our childhood memories are intricately shaped by our family and culture.
Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

How culture influences children’s development

Culture plays a role in forming a child’s identity, conversational style and memory. This has many implications for how to deal with children, from school to the judicial system.
A scene from the best-selling ‘Red: A Haida Manga,’ a revenge story. Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Haida manga: An artist embraces tragedy, beautifully

The “Haida manga” by Indigenous artist Yahgulanaas opens a graphic dialogue between the different cultures of the Pacific Northwest and East Asia.
In Season 3 of ‘Parts Unknown,’ Anthony Bourdain took viewers to Tanzania. CNN

Anthony Bourdain’s window into Africa

When covering Africa, Bourdain rejected the monolithic way media outlets have historically depicted the continent’s diverse cultures and populations.

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