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Articles on Cyberbullying

Displaying 61 - 80 of 110 articles

Demonstrators protest against the decision by the South African Broadcasting Corporation to stop airing violent protest scenes. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Why media freedom remains fragile in South Africa

As South Africa marks Media Freedom Day, it’s clear that its battle isn’t over. Attacks on journalists continue –through physical intimidation and there’s also the threat of new laws.
Though popular culture might suggest otherwise, cyberbullying isn’t just a white problem. tommaso79/

Race, cyberbullying and intimate partner violence

A recent Pew survey reported that young African-Americans are more likely to be both victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying. Why?
Students outside Columbine High School in Colorado in April 1999 following the mass shooting there. Some speculated that the shooters sought revenge for having been bullied. Greg Caskey/Reuters

A dangerous mix: Bullied youth report access to loaded guns more than other youth

Youth who are bullied may be at even higher risk than other youth for gun violence. These bullied youngsters were three times more likely to have access to a loaded gun, a recent study states.
Troll image from

Fighting online trolls with bots

Automated systems that watch online chats and flag racist, sexist and bullying behavior could help curtail internet abuse.
What has the ‘Trump effect’ been on children? Juan

Why the Trump effect could increase bullying

At this time, researchers cannot prove a direct relationship. But social learning theory shows that people learn from one another, via observation, imitation and modeling.
Parents are often concerned about the effects of social media on their children’s character. Monkey Business Images/Shuttertock

Is social media messing with children’s morals?

The majority of parents in the UK believe social media harms their children’s moral development.
Bullying leads to both short-term and long-term adverse consequences. Girl image via

Why bullying needs more efforts to stop it

Children who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. They are also more likely to contemplate or attempt suicide.
Most of the cyberbullying in the study occurred through work related text messaging and instant message services. Image sourced from

Cyberbullying widespread amongst public servants

One in five government employees are experiencing or observing workplace cyberbullying, a study shows.

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