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Articles on Genocide

Displaying 181 - 200 of 251 articles

Rwandan students on grounds of the Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village near Rwamagana, in Rwanda., 2014. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

Silence can be healing for Rwandan youth born of genocide rape

Is it always good to talk about violent pasts? Sixty Rwandan youths participated in a research project that aimed to understand the perspectives of people born of rapes committed during the genocide
Immigrant rights advocates speak against Trump’s policies in New Mexico. AP Photo/Russell Contreras, File

Preventing crimes against humanity in the US

Trump’s defense of harsh immigration tactics and dehumanizing language should ring alarm bells, according to two scholars who study how to prevent mass atrocities.
How do survivors find healing? Chum Mey, a survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime, walks past a portrait of Nuon Chea, a former Khmer Rouge leader. AP Photo/Heng Sinith

Bearing witness to Cambodia’s horror, 20 years after Pol Pot’s death

The accounts of survivors of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge show how they were able to find justice and healing by breaking their silence and speaking on behalf of those who were killed.
The painting Group of Natives of Tasmania, 1859, by Robert Dowling. Wikimedia

Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide

That colonial wars were fought in Tasmania is irrefutable. More controversially, surviving evidence suggests the British enacted genocidal policies against the Tasmanian Aboriginal people.
Rohingya Muslim women who fled Myanmar for Bangladesh stretch their arms out to collect aid distributed by relief agencies in this September 2017 photo. A campaign of killings, rape and arson attacks by security forces and Buddhist-aligned mobs have sent more than 850,000 of the country’s 1.3 million Rohingya fleeing. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

Unliked: How Facebook is playing a part in the Rohingya genocide

Facebook is unwittingly helping fuel a genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar. Does Cuba’s internet model provide lessons to manage social media amid political chaos?
While California’s shocking and deadly wildfires are a tragedy making headlines, future crises lurk beneath the surface elsewhere. Gene Blevins/Reuters

To prevent the next global crisis, don’t forget today’s small disasters

From California’s fires to the Rohingya, headlines can be overwhelming these days. But that doesn’t mean we should neglect so-called ‘silent crises,’ which can quickly erupt into global disasters.

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