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Articles on Philosophy

Displaying 381 - 400 of 581 articles

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in support of Sen. Luther Strange, in Huntsville, Ala., on Sept. 22. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson, File)

How foreign policy experts can work around Donald Trump

Precisely because of his problems at home, Donald Trump wants to do more abroad – possibly with disastrous results. How can those who know foreign policy rein him in?
Philosopher Herbert Marcuse in 1955. Wikimedia

The philosopher who was too hot for Playboy

Around 1970 Playboy magazine received an unexpected proposition from the radical German philosopher Herbert Marcuse - he would do an interview, if he could pose for the magazine’s centrefold.
‘The Dictator’ (2012) by Sacha Baron-Cohen plays on the fact that kitsch is used by dictators and fundamentalists to redefine our world. Zennie Abraham/Flickr

How kitsch consumed the world

Kitsch has slowly become the main cultural reference for all that surrounds us, and thrives in propaganda.
Hedonism isn’t all about sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. It can be about savouring the pleasure in a cup of tea at the end of a hard day. from

What is hedonism and how does it affect your health?

Savouring the pleasures in life is linked to better health and well-being. And no, that doesn’t necessarily mean binge drinking or all-night wild parties.
Plato, Confucius and Aristotle. Ancient Greek philosophy is widely taught in American universities, but classes in Chinese philosophy are few and far between. Public domain

Why the US doesn’t understand Chinese thought – and must

It’s more important than ever that the U.S. understand China. So why don’t our universities teach Chinese thought?
Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is famous for having been called wise in part because he wouldn’t label himself wise. Shutterstock

What is wisdom, and is it unwise to pursue it?

It is a tall order to try to become wise. And the bad news is that it appears harder than many philosophers have thought.

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