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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 721 - 740 of 895 articles

The increasing proportion of children living in housing-related poverty confronts us with the question: what will we do about it? Ollyy/

Rental housing policies trap children in poverty, so how low will we go?

Many children are living in low-income families that struggle to pay the rent to keep a roof over their heads. Unaffordable housing is fuelling childhood poverty, so where is the policy response?
Meeting the challenges of informal settlements, such as this one in Caracas, Venezuela, calls for integrated approaches that cut across urban scales and disciplines. Hesam Kamalipour

When planning falls short: the challenges of informal settlements

Informal settlements are often undocumented or hidden on official maps, but they house about a billion people worldwide. Their existence demands a more sophisticated approach to urban development.
Lack of support for beneficiaries of land reform in South Africa has seen many new farmers fail to live off the land. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

South Africa’s land reform efforts lack a focus on struggling farmers

South Africa’s government makes much of its efforts of putting more land in the hands of the previously disenfranchised black majority. Yet, many beneficiaries continue to wallow in poverty.
Donald Trump tours a water plant in Flint, Michigan, in September. Reuters/ Mike Segar

Neither Clinton nor Trump will fix what ails America

The sad truth is that neither Trump’s racist populism, or Clinton’s maintenance of the status quo, will do much to help the real and biting difficulties many Americans are facing.
Jeffrey Sachs: ‘we need to press governments to follow through on what they’ve promised’. Max Rossi/Reuters

Jeffrey Sachs on meeting the Sustainable Development Goals – ‘we need a victory of ideas’

Jeffrey Sachs wants to press governments to follow through on their promises.
Martial Trezzeni/EPA

IPCC chair Hoesung Lee: we can meet 2°C global warming target if we act fast

Lee: ‘Business will be far from usual in a world of four, five or six degrees of warming.’
Research shows a link between violence against children and their subsequent criminality. Shutterstock

Why societies must protect children if they want fewer criminals

Reducing stubbornly high levels of violence can be achieved if there is a focus on ensuring that children are not exposed to violence or toxic stress at home.
The issue of child poverty and its links to housing costs are not widely acknowledged in Australia. from

By 2030, ‘no Australian child will be living in poverty’ – why can’t we promise that?

Income poverty statistics tell us relatively little about why Australian children live in poverty, or how to alleviate it. But housing plays a critical part in the problem.
A Halloween gathering in Los Angeles for children who live on the street, in shelters or in cars. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

How racism has shaped welfare policy in America since 1935

On the 20th anniversary of Bill Clinton’s promise to “end welfare as we know it,” a social work scholar asks why child poverty is still such a problem in the U.S. and what race has to do with it.

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