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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 761 - 780 of 895 articles

$2 a day bought me a lacto-ovo-pesco vegetarian style diet (milk, eggs and fish) but with very small quantities of protein foods. Peterfz30/Shutterstock

Lessons from living below the extreme poverty line on $2 a day

Last week I joined 8,500 Australians on the charity challenge to live below the extreme poverty line, spending just $2 a day on food for five days. It was tough and my diet was far from complete.
Members of South Africa’s main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, rally for the youth wage subsidy. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

How two crucial trends are affecting unemployment in South Africa

South Africa’s labour market suffers from high unemployment. Reform of the education system may provide the only long-term sustainable solution to the problem.
Will government cuts to tax credits hit Britain’s poorest the hardest? Becky Stares/shutterstock

Why the living wage won’t compensate for tax credit cuts

Plans to stop universal credit payments in favour of a ‘national living wage’ will not address the long-standing poverty of many people in paid employment.
Agriculture remains the major source of employment in Ghana, even though its share in the economy has been in steady decline. Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

Ghana needs a new strategy to create decent jobs and reduce inequality

Economic growth is a necessary condition for development. But it can only pass the sufficient condition test if growth translates into high-earning jobs. Ghana’s recent history illustrates this.
To achieve faster growth and development Uganda must move workers from agriculture into manufacturing REUTERS/Hudson Apunyo

What Museveni’s priorities must be if Uganda is to become middle income

To achieve its ambition of becoming a middle income country, Uganda must accelerate the movement of workers from agriculture and the informal sector into modern industries.
Even something as simple as a water pump might not work if it requires parts or power not readily available where it’s installed. World Bank

Where aid fails, appropriate technology can succeed

Much international aid fails to achieve its ends because the technology employed is not “appropriate” to its intended environment or culture. This needs to change.

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