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Articles on Sexual abuse

Displaying 101 - 120 of 231 articles

Though #MeToo has changed some aspects of media reporting, there is still much to be done. Wes Mountain/The Conversation

#MeToo has changed the media landscape, but in Australia there is still much to be done

The #MeToo movement brought to light the extent of sexual violence in the community, largely through the media. But there is still a long way to go to overturn stereotypes and shut down online abuse.
Southern Baptist Convention messengers hold signs during a rally protesting the convention’s treatment of women in 2018. AP Photo/Jeffrey McWhorter

Sexism has long been part of the culture of Southern Baptists

Recent media reports point to years of sexual abuse by Southern Baptist pastors. An expert writes why a long culture of women’s submission is responsible for this crisis.
The UGM rape case is a reminder that our priority should be to stand with the survivors of sexual assault.

Victim-blaming culture holds back #MeToo in Indonesia

Under victim-blaming attitudes, the survivors of sexual violence suffer from double victimisation: being assaulted and being blamed.
Christine Blasey Ford is sworn in by Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the nomination of Brett M. Kavanaugh. AP/Tom Williams/Pool Photo

Kavanaugh confirmation could spark a reckoning with system that often fails survivors of sexual abuse and assault

The testimony of Christine Blasey Ford in the Kavanaugh nomination hearings showed what happens when abuse survivors enter systems that are not designed to respond to their words or meet their needs.
Member of the Coalition of Catholics and Survivors hold a protesting outside the Boston archbishop’s residence in 2003. Jim Bourg/Reuters

The Catholic Church’s grim history of ignoring priestly pedophilia – and silencing would-be whistleblowers

While the problem of priestly abuse might be centuries old, its modern paper trail began after World War II, when ‘treatment centers’ appeared for rehabilitating priests. Many were send to New Mexico.
Most men are not sexual predators and enjoy the closeness of the people they love. Pink Panda/

Most men do not perpetrate sexual violence against women

In the wake of the #MeToo movement and women finally feeling free to discuss having been sexually assaulted, it may seem like all men are predators. A trauma psychologist says this is far from true.
Pennsylvania grand jury accused Cardinal Wuerl of helping to protect abusive priests when he was Pittsburgh’s bishop. AP Photo/Kevin Wolf

For some Catholics, it is demons that taunt priests with sexual desire

While many American Catholics believe demons and exorcism to be part of a distant past, an expert explains how beliefs that sexual desires could be part of demonic temptation still persist.
In a survey of 159 academics, nearly half reported sexual abuse or harassment. "Fight sexism": graffiti in Turin November 2016

Sexual abuse, harassment and discrimination ‘rife’ among Australian academics

Academics and PhD students from a number of Australian universities have reported sexualised bullying, unfair workloads, sexual harassment and in some cases even sexual assault, usually from their superiors and supervisors.

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