Zlatko Skrbis
Vice-Chancellor and President, Australian Catholic University
Mark Dodgson
Innovator in Residence, University of Oxford and Emeritus Professor, School of Business, The University of Queensland
Peta Ashworth
Director, Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership & Professor and Chair in Sustainable Energy Futures, The University of Queensland
David Murdoch
Distinguished Professor, University of Otago
Jake Whitehead
E-Mobility Research Fellow, The University of Queensland
Paul Young
Professor of Virology, Head of School (School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences) and UQ vaccine project co-leader, The University of Queensland
Tapan K Saha
Professor, Leader-UQ Solar, The University of Queensland
Michelle Grattan
Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra
Kylie Quinn
Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, RMIT University
Andrew Wilson
Project Director - Warwick Solar Farm, The University of Queensland
Adam Taylor
Early Career Research Leader, Emerging Viruses, Inflammation and Therapeutics Group, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University
Saphira Rekker
Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Finance, The University of Queensland