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Articles on Bilingualism

Displaying 61 - 80 of 92 articles

Can innovative professional learning communities help to support bilingualism? (Mimi Masson)

How to woo French teachers to stay in Canada’s schools

As Canada’s French language teachers flee the profession, online Professional Learning Communities promise to reverse this trend, stimulating creativity, camaraderie and leadership.
It’s not enough for textbooks just to be present in a classroom. They must support learning. Global Partnership for Education/Flickr

Accessible, engaging textbooks could improve children’s learning

Textbooks in sufficient quantities are effective in improving the quality of education but in Africa language poses a problem to how pupils interact with the material they are taught.
One South African school issues ‘demerits’ if their pupils speak anything but English. David Ritchie/Cape Argus

How schools use language as a way to exclude children

Schools and universities in post-colonial contexts still operate within the logic of coloniality. This is starkly illustrated by their language policies.
Raising a child bilingually does not cause language learning difficulties.

Debunking common myths about raising bilingual children

Parents shouldn’t be concerned if their bilingual child is slower to develop their vocabularly, because in most cases this is just a temporary lag.

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