Massive borrowing to fund NZ’s economic recovery due to COVID-19 cannot be written off without the risk of worsening the crisis it was designed to meet.
The IMF loan does not impose any conditions over and above what is in South African law on how the funds can be used; it only seems to expect the country to implement policies already announced.
Use of installment loans has grown dramatically in recent years – all without the regulatory scrutiny that tamped down on abuses in the payday loan market.
A higher education professor explains the complex rules behind Public Service Loan Forgiveness, a program meant to provide debt relief to student loan borrowers who went into public service jobs.
It’s been 10 years since the U.S. signed into law a scheme to print money, essentially, and save the financial sector amid the sub-prime mortgage meltdown. Did it work? And who’s truly benefitted?
The Federal Reserve lifted rates for the second time this year and expects to do so once more, suggesting it’s fairly confident the economic recovery will continue. Is it overconfident?
South Africa’s transition into democracy involved compromises that left white privilege intact and black poverty undiminished. Here are a dozen of Mandela’s economic deals that need to be undone.
Credit rating agencies have come in for a lot of flack. But the bottom line is that to attract investors with deep pockets countries can’t avoid having a credit rating. And a good one at that.
Ed Miliband is trying to wrestle back the political initiative in Manchester. The leader of the opposition must avoid becoming mired in deeply complex constitutional questions of devolution at his party’s…