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Articles on Cambridge Analytica

Displaying 1 - 20 of 90 articles

Going online often involves surrendering some privacy, and many people are becoming resigned to the fact that their data will be collected and used without their explicit consent. (Shutterstock)

Protecting privacy online begins with tackling ‘digital resignation’

Many people have become resigned to the fact that tech companies collect our private data. But policymakers must do more to limit the amount of personal information corporations can collect.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg prepares to testify in Washington DC, in 2018 concerning revelations about the company’s sharing data with Cambridge Analytica, a consulting firm linked to Donald Trump. Chip Somodevilla/AFP

Debate: The multiple paradoxes of Meta and Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg says he wants the world to be more “open and connected”, but his decision to block archiving the company’s social media content argues otherwise.
While leaks and whistleblowers continue to be valuable tools in the fight for data privacy, we can’t rely on them solely to keep big tech companies in check. SHUTTERSTOCK

The ugly truth: tech companies are tracking and misusing our data, and there’s little we can do

Most of us are probably having our data tracked in some form. And while there are regulatory safeguards in place to protect user privacy, it’s hard to say whether these are enough.

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