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Articles on Economy

Displaying 561 - 580 of 759 articles

The actual corporate tax rate in Australia is considerably lower than 30% due to the high utilisation of imputation credits by shareholders. Mick Tsikas/AAP

The government’s company tax cut win a triumph of politics over economics

The company tax cut may signal to the world that Australia wants to be competitive on corporate tax, but it won’t make much of a difference to our largest businesses and multinationals.
Rapid rise of Australian house prices have created disagreement between economists on whether a housing bubble currently exists. Brian Birdwell/flickr

What economics has to say about housing bubbles

Economists struggle to agree on when and where housing bubbles occur, but bubbles all have similar characterisitics.
The divide is in the data. American Community Survey (ACS) 2011-2015 5 year estimates, Table S1810

Six charts that illustrate the divide between rural and urban America

More and more people are talking about the ‘rural-urban divide,’ but what does that phrase actually mean? We asked experts from around the country to illustrate the gap in graphs and maps.
Trump addresses a joint session of Congress on Feb. 28, 2017, as VP Mike Pence and House Speaker Paul Ryan applaud. Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool Image via AP

Trump’s address to Congress: Expert reaction

Three scholars grade Trump’s first address to Congress. How did he do on Obamacare? What would his ‘merit-based’ immigration proposal mean? And can he play nice with others
President Jacob Zuma delivers his state of the nation address in Cape Town. Critics say he failed to galvanise the nation. Reuters/Sumaya Hisham

Zuma had a chance to galvanise South Africans. He blew it

South African President, Jacob Zuma, wasted lots of time and space in cheap politicking instead of galvanising South Africans to work together for a better future.

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