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Articles on Foodies

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Residents of Denver’s Five Points neighborhood protest in 2017 outside a coffee shop that posted a sign celebrating gentrification. Patrick Traylor/The Denver Post via Getty Images

In changing urban neighborhoods, new food offerings can set the table for gentrification

Hip food offerings can signal that a neighborhood is gentrifying – especially when they repackage traditional foods for wealthy white eaters.
Farmers markets have soared in popularity across the country, such as this one in Missoula, Montana. Reuters/Ellen Wulfhorst

Meet the foodies who are changing the way Americans eat

Several studies on locavores – people who go out of their way to buy foods and other products from local sources – explore the beliefs and values that makes them tick.
We talk about food with moralising – and judgemental – language. Shutterstock

Tastes like moral superiority: what makes food ‘good’?

Locavore, freegan, kangatarian, flexitarian … what we eat has become a moral minefield. Religions have long enforced food-related prohibitions, but in a secular context we could do with a little less moralising at the kitchen table.
Mike Segar/AAP

Dude food vs superfood: we’re cultural omnivores

Two very popular – and seemingly contradictory – food trends are gripping Australia at the same time. Ultra healthy and extravagantly indulgent eateries are actually fulfilling the same elite-driven desire for food that’s creative, hand-made and rare.

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