President Jacob Zuma, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and former anti-apartheid activist Sophie de Bruyn at the unveiling of a monument to the 1956 women’s march.
South Africa’s past tells us that, under certain conditions, women mobilise in ways that produce significant political results. But the country’s present shows how easily these gains can evaporate.
You lot hire the women, so I don’t have to!
EPA/Laurent Dubrule
Brussels is forever preaching women’s rights to member states, but it always seems to be men giving the orders.
Women scientists are far more common today than they were in the early 1900s.
Reuters/National Photo Company Collection/Library of Congress
Women have come a long way in science, but plenty of work remains. After all, gender bias in science doesn’t happen in a vacuum.
Independent porn producer Gala Vanting at work: the adult film industry has moved from subscription sites to video-on-demand.
Sensate Films
Asking female porn directors to share their work for free on International Women’s Day is a backward step that masks industry inequalities.
Research shows when there are three women on a board, as opposed to one, they are seen as individuals rather than the “female voice”.
Image sourced from
Australia’s largest companies are happy to tick gender reporting boxes, but when it comes to pay equity they are largely silent.
Canada shows the rest of the world how it’s done.
Prime Minister of Canada
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is parity. World leaders take note.
The world is dragging its feet – and it’s costing lives.
Women’s ability to work is severely constrained by the lack of child care facilities in urban slums.
Reuters/Thomas Mukoya
For most women, participating in the labour force is dependent on whether they have adequate child care they can rely on.