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Articles on University of Oxford

Displaying 1 - 20 of 34 articles

Human remains dating back more than 30,000 years were found at Paviland cave in Gower. Left: Leighton Collins/Shutterstock; right: Ethan Doyle White CC BY-SA 3.0.

Red Lady of Paviland: the story of a 33,000 year-old-skeleton – and the calls for it to return to Wales

It’s been 200 years since the discovery of one of the oldest human burial sites in western Europe on the Gower peninsula in south Wales.
Recovery team members Mark Campbell, Guilherme Pessoa-Amorim and Leon Peto photographed at the Big Data Institute in Oxford. Photograph: Adam Gasson/UKRI

The inside story of Recovery: how the world’s largest COVID-19 trial transformed treatment – and what it could do for other diseases

Two years ago, the Recovery trial transformed COVID treatments around the world with a landmark finding that may have saved a million lives in just nine months

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