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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2826 - 2850 of 7417 articles

Slightly more optimistic economic figures gives Scott Morrison and the Turnbull government a boost heading into 2018, as the charts explain. Lukas Coch/AAP and The Conversation

Seven charts on the 2017 budget update

Seven charts on the highlights from the government’s mid year update of the budget.
Fewer government welfare recipients due to higher than expected employment growth provides a slightly stronger budget outlook for the Turnbull government as they head into 2018. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government budget update saved by higher than expected economic figures

The improvements in the government’s debt position are entirely because of revisions in economic assumptions, not fantastic fiscal management.
Retail Food Group (RFG) Managing Director Andre Nell (right) and Chairman Colin Archer. The company has been the focus of the latest investigation into franchise problems. Dan Peled/AAP

What is going rotten in the franchise businesses plagued by scandals

There are some hallmark problems within franchising in Australia and internationally and not all are within the franchisor’s or franchisees’ control to fix.
The incidence of poverty among people over 65 is decreasing in part because of increased labour force participation. Col Ford and Natasha de Vere/Flickr

Older people now less likely to fall into poverty

There has been a substantial improvement compared to 15 years ago, when the incidence of poverty among the elderly was 32.4%.
Justin Lane/AAP

What happened to the price of Bitcoin? The truth behind big bubbles and crashes

Business Briefing: What happened to the price of Bitcoin? The truth behind big bubbles and crashes The Conversation24.8 MB (download)
On this episode of Business Briefing we unpack great heights and crashing lows of a bubble and a crash.
The rush of dopamine upon opening a subscription box is similar to the one experienced by gamblers. hectore/Flickr

What makes us sign up to subscription boxes

Retailers are banking on some of our behavioural and emotional traits to get us to sign up to subscription boxes.
Young job seekers are more likely to be registered with Centrelink than older job seekers, while those aged 25 and over tended to rely more on social networks and employment agencies when looking for work. Amtec Staffing/Flickr

Young people still find it hard to get a job, despite using the same tactics as older job seekers

Young and old job seekers use the same methods to look for work, but young people have the highest unemployment rates.