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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2451 - 2475 of 2779 articles

If you’ve ever felt as though professors treat you with less than respect, you’re probably not alone. Flickr

Snobbery in the academy is alive and well and doing harm

A female engineering student walked into her first lab class. One of the male students said: “The cookery class is in another room.” A professor was always willing to drop everything to talk with a colleague…
The curriculum review called for more “Western literature”. Given the curriculum is mostly Western literature already, perhaps we can take that to mean “more Bible”. Flickr/Ruth_W

Hooked on the classics: literature in the English curriculum

The National Curriculum Review was released this week, with the reviewers calling for a greater focus on “Western” literature in the English classroom. As former high school and primary English teachers…
The current curriculum includes life skills that are taught across all subjects, but the review wants them only taught when “necessary”. Shutterstock

There’s more to education than spelling and numbers

Headlines in newspapers on Monday morning said much of the curriculum review has been welcomed across Australia. The removal of the four “general capabilities” from the curriculum is a travesty many are…
The National Curriculum Review prompts more questions than answers and leaves educators unsure of the future. AAP

Curriculum review filled with contradictions

A close reading of Dr Kevin Donnelly and Professor Ken Wiltshire’s review of the Australian Curriculum reveals contradictory messages regarding the future curriculum for primary and secondary schools…
Should academics be disciplined by their universities for things said over Twitter?

To tweet or not to tweet: academic freedom and social media

Academic freedom has been put in the spotlight with two universities recently coming down hard on academics for comments on social media. Martin Hirst, a lecturer in journalism, was suspended earlier this…
Commonwealth scholarships sound like a good idea, but they’ve been mired in controversy over how they will be doled out. Shutterstock

The problem with Commonwealth ‘scholarships’

Equity scholarships usually attract general support as a “good thing”. It therefore seems surprising that the Coalition’s proposed new Commonwealth scholarship scheme should generate so much contention…
Many Muslim nations fare poorly for gender equity, but there are steps they can take and examples they can follow to make sure girls are properly educated. Flickr/Nevil Zaveri

Gender equity in schools in Muslim countries: it can be done

Muslim countries worldwide have problems with gender equality. They dominate the bottom ten countries in the Global Gender Gap Report and none of the ten most successful countries offering equal opportunities…
Pollies don’t have the expertise to pick the right researchers for the job - leave that to the experts. AAP

Gifting of research funds by politicians undermines quality

I have worked as a health researcher for over 30 years. During that time I have made numerous applications for funding. The majority of these have, to my frustration, been rejected. This does not mean…
The reviewers say the Australian Curriculum doesn’t have enough emphasis on our Judeo-Christian heritage and Western influence. What do the experts say? AAP

National curriculum review: experts respond

The much awaited review of the National Curriculum has finally been released with the reviewers calling for more of a focus on Western literature, and recognition of Australia’s “Judeo-Christian” heritage…
When contemplating our fee deregulation gamble, we should look no further than New Zealand, where it was tried and failed. The.Rohit/Flickr

Will Australia learn from NZ’s mistakes in higher education?

Since 1990 New Zealand has introduced many dramatic “reforms” into its higher education system, many of them well in advance of Australia. A number of these “reforms” have been unwound after nasty, unintended…
Less students are choosing to undertake more complex maths subjects because they want to maximise their tertiary admission score. Shutterstock

Maximising ATARs: why studying maths doesn’t add up

The percentage of students taking intermediate or advanced mathematics at school has declined significantly. Why is this happening and why does it matter? Why the decline? Some factors that influence whether…
Offering cash incentives for school performance seems like a good idea, but there are a lot of unwanted consequences. Shutterstock

Why cash incentives aren’t a good idea in education

If there is one iron law of economics it is this: people respond to incentives. Offer an “all you can eat” buffet and people eat a lot. Double the demerit points for speeding on a holiday weekend and fewer…
Music can help if you’re pulling a late-night study session. Carolyn Williams/Flickr

HSC exam guide: how to use music to prepare for exams

Students, the impending horror of exams is nearly upon you. But music can help you out. To put it simply, turn to tunes to terminate the terror of term-time. As with so many psychological phenomena that…
NAPLAN testing can’t be all bad if the government is still committed to it, can it? Shutterstock

Criticise if you must, the NAPLAN tests are valuable for teachers

Since NAPLAN, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy began in 2008, everyone and their dog has criticised the process. Detractors say teachers are forced to teach to the test, it pits…
Certain foods can help your brain retain information. Shutterstock

HSC exam guide: what to eat to help your brain

Exam time is quickly approaching for HSC and university students. While study is at the forefront, nutrition is often the furthest thing from students’ minds. However, a healthy diet plays a vital role…
Children change and develop, but labels tend to stick. Boy image from

Labelling kids: the good, the bad and the ADHD

“ADHD”, “disruptive”, “behavioural difficulties”: labels like these are applied daily to our children. But there is a growing concern amongst educators, parents and pupils that the use of such labels has…
The best of our society’s thoughts and ideas should be compulsory learning for all students. AAP

A common curriculum means all students share common values

Should all schools, whether government, Catholic or independent, be forced to follow a centrally designed and monitored curriculum? And should this central curriculum be imposed upon schools regardless…
Complaints of dodgy providers of vocational education and training in aged care and child care show something has to be done to regulate private providers. Shutterstock

Not all vocational training providers are stacking up

Vocational education and training is crucial to developing the skills of the workforce, but the quality of training and development is under question, and it is a problem – a major problem. Public TAFE…
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” Educator Derek Bok. Shutterstock

Education is a public good, not a private commodity

We are at an important juncture for education in Australia. With the government’s higher education reform agenda well underway and its school funding stasis, teacher education and Australian curriculum…
Final school exams will likely be the most stressful time in your child’s life to date. How can you help them out? Shutterstock

HSC exam guide: how to help your kids through this stressful time

Final exams are a nightmare for most year 12 students, but crucial given they are decisive in getting into university. The period of preparation can be painful and hard. Students spend many hours studying…
Submissions to the inquiry into Christopher Pyne’s higher education bill have now closed: what do they say? AAP

A few embrace higher ed changes but many more have reservations

Submissions to the Senate’s inquiry into the higher education reform bill have now closed. The submissions are to assist the Senate in deciding whether or not to pass, block or amend proposed changes to…
Homework tasks that require an iPad or laptop may disadvantage low socio-economic status students. Brad Flickinger/Flickr

E-homework is widening the gap for disadvantaged students

More and more teachers are turning to technology when assigning homework. But while e-homework can make out-of-class learning more fun and interactive, research suggests that it might further disadvantage…
The fee model University of Western Australia will adopt under fee deregulation would see course repayments quadruple in some instances. Shutterstock

NATSEM: UWA model would lift uni debt for women, disadvantaged

The University of Western Australia recently announced its proposed post-deregulation price structure. UWA’s new fee is a flat fee of A$16,000 per year for undergraduate courses, which is significantly…