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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2351 - 2375 of 2781 articles

The review into teacher education says courses need to prove their graduates are classroom ready. Shutterstock

Review calls for teacher education overhaul: experts respond

A new report into teacher education in Australia has called for an overhaul of the system amid concerns students are being selected who aren’t fit to teach and some graduates are not classroom ready. The…
In order to get ahead of the competition, Masters and PhDs are becoming increasingly popular given the prevalence of undergraduate students and the tough job market. AAP

Just graduating from university is no longer enough to get a job

Earn a university degree and get a job. This formula has worked with relative success for over 50 years. But increasingly in many fields today the formula is no longer working. With nearly twice as many…
Measures to close the gap in Indigenous education outcomes aren’t working. AAP

Closing the Gap in education report card: needs improvement

This year’s update on Closing the Gap presents a picture similar to 2014 in education - there is much work still to be done to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students…
Putting them in the naughty corner won’t help: most schools are going about dealing with students with learning difficulties in the wrong way. Shutterstock

The way schools cope with learning difficulties is doing more harm than good

We fail children who experience difficulty in school and with learning almost every day in Australia and in so many ways. These children can fall through a myriad of cracks: cracks that appear in some…
When rating their classes, students use different words to describe male and female professors. National Assembly for Wales

Rate my professor’s gender?

A friend of mine calls me professor of genius studies. It’s a sort of slip of the tongue, as I teach in gender studies, but it‘s also funny because everyone knows that genius is not associated with gender…
It is thought new open-plan classrooms facilitate collaborative learning, but they actually make it harder to hear the teacher. AAP

Students struggle to hear teacher in new fad open-plan classrooms

Many of us would remember our days in primary school sitting in a classroom with four walls, among 20 to 30 other students, and a teacher instructing us from the front. Recently, some schools have been…
Victoria University Vice-Chancellor Peter Dawkins says we need to find a way through the higher education impasse, but not a poorly made or hasty one. Provided

How to break the higher education impasse

Higher education reform in Australia has entered a delicate phase. The current impasse must be broken, but any move to do so too quickly carries the risk of an outcome that serves neither students nor…
Would capping domestic fees at international student prices see fees soar? Shutterstock

Market caps would limit $100,000 university degrees

In recent media reports, higher education policy experts Peter Noonan and Gavin Moodie dismiss the use of international student fees as an indirect “market cap” for domestic fees. Independent senator Nick…
English is a complex language with roots in many others, and the teaching of it should reflect this. AAP

The way we teach most children to read sets them up to fail

A new batch of Australian five-year-olds has just started school, eager to learn to read and write. Unfortunately for them, English has one of the most difficult spelling systems of any language, thanks…
Learning disabilities may make life more of a challenge, but a diagnosis is not a life sentence. Shutterstock

Does my child have a learning disability?

For some children, despite having no known physical or mental disability, learning to read, write, spell, do maths, dress, throw and catch a ball, or organise themselves presents significant challenges…
The effectiveness of brain-training games depends on what outcome you’re hoping to achieve. Shutterstock

Does brain training work? That depends on your purpose

Over the last decade, an ever-growing number of brain-training programs claiming to enhance learning, memory and general well-being have been developed and marketed for use in the classroom. Unfortunately…
Considering the prevalence of typing, why waste time teaching children handwriting? Shutterstock

Teaching cursive handwriting is an outdated waste of time

Many lament that the “good old days” when they were taught “the basics” at school have gone. When launching the National Curriculum in 2010, then-prime minister Kevin Rudd stated his objective was: … without…
The first day of school can be tough for the parents as well as the kids, but it’s important it’s a good experience. AAP

The first day of school sets the tone for academic achievement

There are many transitions in life (starting school, moving house, changing jobs) and how well we cope depends largely on our perceptions of the event as well as the level of support we receive. The transition…
Tertiary education is of both private and significant public benefit. AAP Image/Julian Smith

Fact Check: is tertiary education of private benefit?

I’ve always argued that tertiary education is a private benefit, I’m happy for taxpayer funding of primary and secondary education but tertiary education results in a higher salary. - Senator David Leyonhjelm…
In the absence of public appetite to invest in public education, a measure of fee deregulation is the only way left to fund education quality to a reasonable standard. AAP/Alan Porritt

Glyn Davis: why I support the deregulation of higher education

Over recent weeks, some staff have written to vice-chancellors, urging them to reject the university deregulation measures advocated by federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne. Public universities…
A lack of female tradies means young women don’t want to pursue a trade career, despite the pay advantage. Shutterstock

Where are the female tradies?

Male domination of trades and trade courses in the automotive, construction, mining and energy sectors is entrenched above 95%, despite the substantial pay advantage compared to other trades such as hairdressing…
Telling the time, using a knife and fork, manners: what should be taught in the home and what in the school? Shutterstock

What should be taught by teachers, and what by parents?

Who taught you to tell the time, to tie your shoelaces or to write your name? I have memories of my parents and teachers taking a hand in helping me to learn these skills as a small child. But what about…
Do you know what your GPA is? Or what good it is to anyone? Shutterstock

Explainer: what is a GPA and what use is it?

A Grade Point Average (GPA) is a summary statistic that represents a student’s average performance in their studies over a stated period of time, such as one semester. Being numerical, GPAs are often calculated…
Sometimes Fun with Dick and Jane isn’t so fun after all, meaning kids will disengage from reading. Liz West/Flickr

Ditch the home readers – real books are better for your child

As school resumes for the new year, the “home reader” routine for primary school children also recommences. For many parents and children, reading these short texts can be the most agonising part of the…
The government’s ad spruiking proposed changes to higher education. Is it legal? And if so, should it be? Youtube screen grab

The difference between government advertising and political advertising

The federal government’s recent television advertisement spruiking the benefits of the proposed changes to higher education have raised the ire of not only the opposition but also taxpayers who have reportedly…
Students with low ATARs are less likely to graduate from university, but very likely to leave with debt. So is it ethical to give places to all-comers? Shutterstock

The ATAR debate: students need to be able to finish uni, not just start it

Controversies surrounding university courses with low ATAR admission requirements have become a January ritual. Once universities make their offers to potential students, debates start over whether widening…
People are happy to say university teachers are not good teachers, but the students seem to think otherwise. Alan/Flickr

Rating your professor: five myths about university teaching quality

Prospective students, parents of prospective students, and taxpayers deserve to know about the quality of teaching in our universities. But how do you measure teaching quality? Based on student results…
Do you forget a subject’s content as soon as the exam is over? Or forget a language once you’ve stopped using it? It’s not gone, you might just need something to retrieve it. Shutterstock

What happens in the brain when you no longer need the information you’ve learnt?

Throughout our lives we have multitudes of experiences that shape how we then behave in the world. Some of these lessons are learnt rapidly, such as why we shouldn’t put our hand on a hot pan on the stove…