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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2401 - 2425 of 2781 articles

Pyne will ask the states to implement various aspects of the Curriculum Review, probably including the narrowing of content. This is easier said than done. AAP

Paring back the curriculum would be a difficult and unnecessary task

This week the ministers of education for the states and territories will consider recommendations from federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne to revise the Australian curriculum. These recommendations…
Home schooling is on the rise, but why? Shutterstock

Evidence of home schooling success erased from inquiry report

Home education has had a massive rise in popularity in Australia in recent years, with increases of 100% in six years in Victoria, 50% in two years in the ACT, 50% in eight years in South Australia, and…
It’s rare that TAFE becomes a big election issue, but this is what has just happened in Victoria – giving new Premier Daniel Andrews a mandate to save TAFEs. AAP

Learning from Victoria’s TAFE mistakes

In the 40 years since its inception, rarely has TAFE featured as a central platform on which political parties win or lose votes. As such it seldom rates mentions in political campaigns as a distinct sector…
The Senate has rejected Christopher Pyne’s fee deregulation plan, but that doesn’t mean the sector isn’t in need of reform. AAP

Fee deregulation is a bad idea, but our universities do need reform

Education Minister Christopher Pyne’s scheme for the deregulation of university fees is dead or delayed. Either way it has been exposed as bad for Australia. This is because it will put universities in…
Pyne has reincarnated and reintroduced his failed Higher Education Bill, but it still doesn’t provide an answer to the problem of ballooning student debt under fee deregulation. AAP

New higher ed bill still doesn’t solve the biggest problem: debt

On Tuesday night, the Senate voted to block the government’s Higher Education Reform Bill. Despite last-minute negotiations, consensus could not be reached regarding its signature element – fee deregulation…
If passed, the changes to higher education will mean Australia is ‘sleepwalking towards the privatisation of its universities’, according to University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Stephen Parker. AAP/Paul Miller

Stephen Parker: higher education changes a ‘fraud on the electorate’

Had someone told me last summer that I would be defending public universities on the first day of next summer I would have ridiculed the idea. Somehow I believed what the Coalition wrote in early 2013…
In lots of simple ways parents can help their kids understand and enjoy maths. Shutterstock

How parents can help their kids understand, and enjoy, maths

Teaching maths concepts has long been considered the domain of the classroom teacher, with many parents often feeling unable to help their kids develop this skill. However, parents already do many things…
Bibliophiles have lamented the death of bookshops due to eReaders, but eReaders can encourage reading in new ways. Flickr/nate bolt

eReaders aren’t destroying reading – they’re just changing it

The nature of reading books is changing: the closure of traditional bookstores indicates that paper book sales are in decline. It is easy to feel as though this will discourage children from engaging with…
What is a Small Private Online Course? And how is it different to a MOOC? Shutterstock

Explainer: what is a Small Private Online Course?

If you have studied an online course at a university over the past couple of decades, you’ve probably already experienced a SPOC, or Small Private Online Course. SPOC is a new term for an old concept…
Labor has been touting the notion of $100,000 degrees under fee deregulation, but how likely are they in reality? AAP

Labor’s ‘$100,000 degree’ projections are misleading

The government’s proposed changes to higher education are a platform on which Labor can fight the next election. The strategy is simple: don’t try to modify the package, or offer new solutions. Just shoot…
Both parties are making key election promises about education, but they’re not promising the right things. AAP

Victorian election: on education, the parties’ priorities are muddled

The Victorian Labor opposition’s recent promise to change the state’s licence plates to “Victoria: the education state” is emblematic of the way both Labor and the Napthine Coalition government have made…
Stutters are much harder to shake in adulthood, when they cause more anxiety. Flickr/Jessica Lucia

The most important thing for a stutter is to get in early

Most speech and language disorders of early childhood are obvious right from the start. If a child is having difficulty producing sounds or using language, the problem is noticed when speech development…
New age ways of teaching where the children guide their learning rather than the teacher are perhaps not as effective. Shutterstock

‘Chalk and talk’ teaching might be the best way after all

Seventy teachers from the UK were sent to Shanghai to study classroom methods to investigate why Chinese students perform so well. Upon their return, the teachers reported that much of China’s success…
As Australia becomes increasingly multicultural it’s important our schools are aware of the diversity of social and cultural norms children bring to school. Shutterstock

Diversity in the classroom means children develop differently

The first few years of school are tough for any child. Moving from the relatively unstructured activities of preschool to the formal requirements of school is a big step. Children require high levels of…
People argue over whether learning should take place online or face-to-face, but does it have to be one or the other? Flickr/Noticias UFM

Online vs face-to-face learning: why can’t we have both?

Ever since the invention of the printed word, academics have been arguing about the proper place of technology in teaching. On one side are those who I’ll call the traditionalists who insist on the primacy…
Studies of course and teacher evaluations show students don’t know what’s best for their learning. Henri Bergius/Flickr

Students don’t know what’s best for their own learning

Universities and governments around the world rely on student evaluations to assess university teachers and degrees. Likewise, potential students check online ratings when deciding where to study. These…
Some companies have been known to treat interns as free labour instead of skilling them. But employment rates suggest internships are still worthwhile. Shutterstock

Despite rorting of internship programs, they’re still worthwhile

In Australia, interns rarely get paid. Students and prospective employees undertake internships in order to skill themselves in the industry they wish to work in and to get a foot in the door. Issues arise…
Should fee deregulation pass in the Senate this week, there needs to be serious discussion about an independent oversight body. AAP

Why the higher education reforms need to be independently overseen

The proposed changes to higher education, including the deregulation of fees, while offering potentially significant benefits, also carry significant social and economic risks. Should the bill pass in…
Getting your kids to read, and enjoy it, shouldn’t be so hard. Flickr/Johanna Loock

Three easy ways to get your kids to read better and enjoy it

It’s little wonder that we often feel as though our kids aren’t as successful with reading as we’d like them to be. The “reading wars” - the battle between sounding out words and using the sentence as…
They don’t spend massive amounts of money on education and the kids spend less time at school, so how is the Finnish education system so effective?

They believe in teachers and in education for all: why Finland’s kids often top league tables

When looking at large-scale international studies and comparisons of education systems worldwide, everyone’s always talking about Finland. Finland seems to set the benchmark for education worldwide. Foreign…
One sure-fire way to make sure your students are completing their assessment for themselves is to make them perform practical work exercises rather than write essays. AAP/Dean Lewins

Buying essays: how to make sure assessment is authentic

The essay, as the primary form of assessment, should be dead. This is the kind of comment that terrifies academics everywhere – but it is an idea that I think we all need to consider. The “news” that there…
A separate curriculum for students with disability would be discriminatory and go against the research. Shutterstock

Separate curriculum for students with disability no good for anyone

The review of the Australian curriculum raises major concerns about access to a quality curriculum for students with disability. Under the guise of creating greater inclusivity, the review recommends a…