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Artículos sobre Affirmative action

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 89 artículos

The Supreme Court is deciding a case on whether, and how, universities may consider an applicant’s race when making admissions decisions. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

What is affirmative action, anyway? 4 essential reads

Scholars explain what affirmative action is – and isn’t – as well as what its effects are, and why, among others, the military has supported it for decades.
Louisiana residents object to mask mandates at a state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meeting in August 2021. AP Photo/Melinda Deslatte

Watch for these conflicts over education in 2022

Short-term disputes are really symptoms of deeper divisions in the US over who deserves academic opportunity, and how to present the nation’s history.
More than half of the top 250 U.S. colleges and universities offer legacy admissions. Paul Marotta / Getty Images

Why do colleges use legacy admissions? 5 questions answered

Elite universities have been giving special preference to children of prior graduates for more than a century. Has the time come for that practice to stop? A sociologist weighs in.
Many black South Africans live in appalling conditions with no running water or electricity 27 years into democracy. Anders Pettersson/Getty Images

South Africa needs new thinking for its democracy to work for all

The new governing elite mistakenly believes that the goal of a democratic South Africa is simply to extend to everyone what whites enjoyed under apartheid.

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