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Artículos sobre Chlamydia

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Rates of syphilis and gonorrhea have risen significantly among Philadelphians age 15-24 over the past five years. Dusan Stankovic/DigitalVision Vectors via Getty Images

Philly has highest STI rates in the country – improving sex ed in schools and access to at-home testing could lower rates

Syphilis cases have increased 30% among 15- to 24-year-olds in Philadelphia since 2019, while cases of gonorrhea are up 18%. Chlamydia cases have decreased but remain high.
Rates of sexually transmissible infections among the Indigenous population are still much higher than the non-Indigenous population. from

Sexually transmissible infections on the rise in Australia: a snapshot

The annual surveillance report of sexually transmissible infections and blood borne viruses in Australia has found notifications of sexually transmissible infections are on the rise in Australia.
Trachoma disappeared from most of Australia 100 years ago as individual and community hygiene improved.

Why is trachoma blinding Aboriginal children when mainstream Australia eliminated it 100 years ago?

Trachoma easily spreads from one child to another through infected eye and nose secretions. A person may have up to 40 episodes of reinfection during childhood.
The biggest growth in sexually transmitted infections is for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. J. Michel (aka: Mitch) Carriere/Flickr

Good news and bad in latest annual report on HIV, hepatitis and STI rates

The latest instalment of Australia’s annual report card on HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections has been released this morning. Here’s what experts make of the results.
Technology has done away with the need to insert swabs into the male urethra and speculums into the vagina. Instead, blood and urine are tested. In Tune/Shutterstock

Health Check: the STI check-up – warts and all

Sexuality is a means of pleasure, fulfilment and intimate connection with other humans. But it can also be a source of anguish. So it’s perhaps no surprise that of all the areas in health care, the “STI…
Condom use appears to be declining across the Australian population. Wade Kelly/Flickr

Declining condom use driving sexually-transmitted infections

A fall in condom use across the population is driving strong growth in sexually-transmitted infections, according to one of the authors of an annual surveillance report released today. Syphilis diagnoses…
Tongue tied now, chat later. Kissing by Shutterstock

Teenage banter about sexual infections is not a #fail

A recent TV programme on “the secret life of students” followed a group of students in their first undergraduate year at Leicester University, including 18-year-old Aiden who was informed on screen that…
A new approach that involves treating both partners is crucial to tackling escalating rates of the often-asymptomatic disease of chlamydia. Pedro Figueiredo

A new approach to stopping the silent chlamydia epidemic

A “Perspective” published in the Medical Journal of Australia today calls for patient-delivered partner therapy for chlamydia to be made legal across Australia. This approach could be just the right way…
New strategies targeting young people are needed to stop the chlamydia epidemic, the report’s authors said. Flickr/Paul H Photography

HIV rates stable but chlamydia cases skyrocket

Australia’s rates of HIV infection have remained stable for the last five years but gonorrhoea cases shot up 25% last year, while chlamydia rates have reached epidemic levels among young people, a new…

New molecule blocks chlamydia

A new therapy could soon limit the the damage caused by chlamydia, according to US university researchers. Researchers have…

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