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Artículos sobre Education policy

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 252 artículos

The year’s nearly ended, but we’re still not sure how to best fund our universities. from

2015, the year that was: Education

2013 was the year of Gonski; 2014 the year of higher education reform; 2015 has been the year of … hmmm … wait, what actually happened this year? Just a lot of chat really, with much debate, but little…
Science is key to creating a more innovative nation.

Five ways science can lead the innovation debate

Through creating entrepreneurs and boosting global collaboration, science has the potential to drive economic growth and innovation – if only the government would properly fund it.
Girls head home from school in a Kenyan slum. Many parents believe private schooling will help their children get ahead in a tough economy. Noor Khamis/Reuters

Kenya’s government is throttling the growth of private schools

Kenya’s public schools are scoring a failing grade. Now several pieces of government policy are threatening low-cost private schools’ ability to fill the gap.
Making a comeback Boston Public Library

Is Newark the next Brooklyn?

The fashionistas aren’t flocking there yet but things are happening in Brick City – especially when it comes to education policy.
Greens leader Natalie Bennett at the party’s manifesto launch. Alastair Grant/AP

Manifesto Check: the Green Party’s top policies

Our experts review the evidence behind the Green Party’s big ticket policies.

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