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Artículos sobre Emotions

Mostrando 61 - 80 de 201 artículos

White supremacists clash with police in Charlottesville in 2017. Evan Nesterak/Wikipedia

Debate: A geopolitical reading of fear

Despite moments of hope, worries about the present and fears that the future may be even worse have been rising for decades. What can geopolitics teach us about the global impact of fear?
In a divided nation, a little empathy goes a long way. Brent Stirton/Getty Images

The morality of feeling equal empathy for strangers and family alike

Feelings of empathy for others may be plentiful in a year of suffering. But is feeling more empathy to loved ones than strangers morally right? A research team sought to find out.

What is love?

Many people experience love differently. But regardless of the differences in how it’s experienced and how it changes over time, humans are social creatures who are deeply fascinated by it. 
Sam Marx/Unsplash

Is isolation a feeling?

Emotions and feelings can be thought of as judgments: considered responses to what is happening.

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