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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 1041 - 1060 de 3376 artículos

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen weaves a traditional cotton scarf In Phnom Penh in June. He won the recent Cambodia election in a landslide after literally rigging the vote by banning the main opposition party, among other tricks. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

How Cambodia’s prime minister rigged an election

The re-election of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen contributes to the growing global democratic crisis. Here’s why.
Ebola vaccination team member administering Ebola vaccine in Beni, North Kivu, DRC. UNICEF/MARK NAFTALIN HANDOUT

DRC may provide model for containing future Ebola outbreaks

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has been hit with another Ebola outbreak. This may be the test case for how to deal with future outbreaks.
Congolese health workers prepare equipment before the launch of vaccination campaign against the deadly Ebola virus. REUTERS/Samuel Mambo

How the media falls short in reporting epidemics

A study of recent epidemics like Zika and Ebola suggests that the media may fail to tell the public what to do during an outbreak.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (centre left) shakes hands with his vice-presidential running mate, Ma'ruf Amin (centre right), during a meeting with supporters before registering their bid for the 2019 election in Jakarta, Indonesia. Mast Irham/EPA

‘Conservative turn’ will continue in Indonesian presidential election next year

Ma’ruf Amin’s selection as Joko Widodo’s running mate in his re-election bid means that politicians continue to accommodate the conservative turn among Indonesian Islamic groups to win votes.

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