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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

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Tariffs may help certain industries, but their broader impact on middle- and lower-income consumers is generally harmful. Reuters/Lawrence Bryant

How Trump’s trade war affects working-class Americans

The president says he’s fighting his trade war because a generation of free trade has failed working-class Americans. An economist explains why tariffs will only make things worse.
Pope Francis said the death penalty, can never be sanctioned because it ‘attacks’ the inherent dignity of all humans. AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, file

Can you be Christian and support the death penalty?

Pope Francis has said that death penalty violates the dignity of a person. But, this might just deepen the debate among Christians, who for a long time have been divided over the issue.
Ephraim Escudero’s child holds a photo near by his memorial. The father of two was murdered in the brutal drug war of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte. Sheerah Escudero

The brutal personal costs of the Philippines’ human rights abuses

From the war on drugs to a crackdown on human rights and environmental activists, life for Filipinos is increasingly nightmarish.
A top hit in 1975, Neil Sedaka’s song “The Immigrant,” proves its continuing relevance, with the rise in xenophobia in the United States. Here people on an Atlantic Liner arrive at what is probably Ellis Island, the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the U.S. from 1892 to 1954. Library of Congress

Neil Sedaka’s 1975 song revived for anti-immigrant era

Neil Sedaka’s song “The Immigrant” was a top hit in 1975, but today it seems even more relevant, as debates rage in the United States over immigration, repatriation and racism.
New suicide data indicates that years of record bloodshed in Mexico have traumatized residents in places where the violence is most concentrated. Reuters/Jorge Lopez

Rising suicides in Mexico expose the mental health toll of living with extreme, chronic violence

Ciudad Juárez, on the US-Mexico border, has suffered high levels of deadly violence for over a decade. New suicide data reveals the severe mental health impacts of living with chronic violence.
In this July 2018 photo, U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin are seen at a news conference after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

The Trump-Putin friendship could be all about oil and China

Vladimir Putin may well have something on Donald Trump. But their close ties could also be about oil prices and Trump’s efforts to get Russia to ends it alliance with China.
The U.S. won’t be able to walk all over Putin with unilateral sanctions. Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin

New sanctions on Russia and Iran are unlikely to work. Here’s why

American policymakers and lawmakers are floating unilateral sanctions against Russia, Iran and even Turkey in an effort to change behavior. But research shows sanctions only work in narrow circumstances.
Predatory fish are among the most vulnerable species to human pressures. Rich Carey/Shutterstock

New map shows that only 13% of the oceans are still truly wild

The world has some 500 million square kilometres of ocean. But just 55 million square kilometres remain untouched by intensive human activities such as fishing.

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