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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

Mostrando 1181 - 1200 de 3376 artículos

Ivan Rodriguez and Juan Ortiz are still searching for relatives who disappeared in San Miguel Los Lotes during Guatemala’s June 3 Fuego volcano eruption. The government’s rescue mission has now ended. AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd

After volcano eruption, Guatemalans lead their own disaster recovery

Guatemala has ended its Fuego volcano rescue mission and declared 110 dead. But people in the hot, ash-covered eruption zone say that the real death tally is much higher and that they’ll keep digging.
Child survivors of Auschwitz are seen in this 1945 photograph. (Creative Commons)

The dreadful history of children in concentration camps

The more notorious concentration camps of the 20th century must serve as a stark reminder of the depravity of tearing children away from their parents and putting them in camps.
Has Pride been coopted? This year’s Pride parade spectators have been asked to wear black in honour of the victims of serial killers. A drag queen at the Toronto 2016 gay pride parade. Shutterstock

Is queer culture losing its radical roots?

Spectators at Toronto’s Pride parade this year are being asked to wear black to honour victims of serial killers. While it’s right to mourn, it’s not the biggest issue facing gay communities today.
The United Nations has called a new Trump administration policy of separating migrant families and detaining children ‘abuse.’ Reuters/Patrick Fallon

Forced migration from Central America: 5 essential reads

Trump hopes migrants won’t come if they know their children will be taken away. That grim logic ignores the inescapable dangers that drive thousands of Central Americans to flee their homes each year.

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