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Artículos sobre Global perspectives

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Psorophora ferox female, a potential vector for Madariaga virus. Photo taken on Heritage Island, Anacostia River, in Washington, D.C., June 30, 2012. Wikimedia Commons

As Venezuela’s public health system collapses, mosquito-borne viruses re-emerge

The collapse of Venezuela’s public health system has terrible consequences inside the country, but it also is giving rise to mosquito-borne viruses that could spread to nearby countries.
Men walk on the wreckage of a building destroyed by air strikes in Sanaa, Yemen, on June 6, 2018. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

Yemen: Understanding the conflict

Yemen’s civil war is a stew of local and foreign interests, from Washington, Saudi Arabia to Iran. And the latest battle may cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians, if not millions.
Development is peaking in the high country between India and China. Vinay Vaars/Wikimedia Commons

China and India’s border dispute is a slow-moving environmental disaster

For decades, China and India have clashed over their disputed Himalayan border. This clash is also playing out via a development boom that threatens the health of one of the world’s biggest river catchments.
Cattle that are grass-fed, antibiotic- and growth hormone-free gather at a farm in Oregon in 2015. There’s a debate over whether antibiotic use in livestock makes germs more resistant to the drugs, and results in infections being passed on to humans who consume the meat. (AP Photo/Don Ryan)

Why reducing antibiotics in farm animals isn’t as easy as it seems

The use of antibiotics in raising livestock is complex. We could be moving towards a less-than-ideal result due to poor understanding, over-simplistic messaging and a rush for competitive advantage.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev watch the action during the match between Russia and Saudi Arabia that opened the 2018 World Cup. Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

One likely winner of the World Cup? Putin

The Russian leader seems to understand the ability of sport to foment feelings of national pride and enhance his popularity at home.
Section of a tumor observed with an optical microscope. The two white forms with brown borders are blood vessels. Inside, gold nanoparticles accumulate against their walls. Mariana Varna-Pannerec (ESPCI)

Destroying tumors with gold nanoparticles

Gold can be used to make jewelry, but also to fight cancer. Several clinical trials are currently underway in the United States where patients are being treated with gold nanoparticles.
Surrounded by Angels, by Carl Schweninger der Jungere, 1912. Wikimedia Commons

Friday essay: what might heaven be like?

Notions of heaven have changed through the ages, from an eternity centred on God to a more secular place where loved ones will reunite.

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