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Artículos sobre Greece

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 322 artículos

Many Greeks want to see their country stay in the eurozone, but fear yet another round of crippling austerity measures. Yannis Kolesidis/EPA/AAP

Poison pill? Key events in the history of Greece and the eurozone

Greece’s membership of the eurozone has been problematic from the beginning.
What is the position of the “average Greek” in the coming referendum? AAP/AP Image/NewZulu/Aggeliki Koronaiou

Grexit and the impacts on the ‘average’ Greek

The Greeks are being asked to vote on whether they want further austerity measures. But the impact of the crisis is also being felt on Greek-Australian diaspora.
Many are ready to call it quits with the euro, but down that road lies nothing good. Reuters

Path to Grexit tragedy paved by political incompetence

An analysis conducted in 2007 showed how severe the consequences would be if a country left the euro. How have eurozone officials let it get this far?

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