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Artículos sobre Greece

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 322 artículos

A billboard in Tehran. David Holt

From Greece to Iran: the importance of credibility

Lord Palmerston, Britain’s 19th-century prime minister, was reputedly the first person to have coined the phrase that Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests. Many…
Greek demonstrators protested as its government voted to accept the latest austerity conditions. Greece would have been better off exiting the Eurozone. AAP/New Zulu/Gael Michaud

Greece’s best chance of escaping economic misery was a ‘Grexit’

If Greece exited the Eurozone it would face several years of economic chaos. But it would be the master of its own destiny. The current EU offer will further destroy the Greek economy.
EPA/Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

Poor old Europe

When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) criticises the European Union’s policies toward Greece as too harsh and threatens not to co-operate, we should pay attention. The IMF, after all, has developed…
Under pressure to do a deal: Alexis Tsipras. EPA/Jerry Lampen

Tsipras may have just done the best deal possible for Greece

Backed into a corner as the banks reached the brink, the Greek prime minister may have fashioned some sort of success, and the prospect of something approaching debt relief a little down the line.

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