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Artículos sobre Islam

Mostrando 301 - 320 de 551 artículos

Political dignitaries attend the funeral for three of the six victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting in Montreal in February 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

A year later: The mosque massacre & rising Islamophobia

A year after the Quebec mosque shooting, it’s clear that little has changed for Muslims in Canada. They’re still almost unequivocally rejected.
Islamophobia in Québec has roots that lie within our missionary past and the Christian nature of our society. We need to reinterpret out past in order to move forward and past 20th century racism. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes)

Islamophobia in Québec: An ideology rooted in 20th century imperialism

The current aggressive version of Islamophobia in Québec is unique to the province. We need a critical re-interpretation of our own history to build a Québec freed from our old racist patterns.
Entrance to the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh, burial place of the founder of the Bahá’í faith, near Acre, Israel. Bahá’í World News Service © Bahá'í International Community

Who are the Baha'is and why are they so persecuted?

The Baha'i faith originated in Iran and today has 100,000 communities across the globe, including the United States. Here is their history.
Collective prayer on October 20 in Mogadishu in tribute to the 276 dead and 300 wounded, victims of the October 14 terrorist attack. Terrorism has become a global weapon. Mohamed Abdiwahab/AFP

Terrorism, radicalisation and Islam: Michel Wieviorka in conversation with Marc Sageman

Contemporary terrorism is rooted in a form of political violence dating from the French Revolution. It is rooted in social facts and is now evolving on a global scale.
The daily newspaper ‘Arman’ bore a picture of US President Donald Trump with a headline which reads “Isolation of Mr. Goof”, on October 14, 2017. AFP

Donald Trump, a new advocate for Iranian nationalism and Islamist hardliners

The Trump administration’s change of US policy toward Iran has reinforced hardliners’ ambitions and nationalistic feelings, complicating an already difficult situation in the region.
Is religion inherently violent? Some believe so, but secular individuals and institutions have proven to be just as violent. (Shutterstock)

Challenging the notion that religion fosters violence

Many think that violence is central to religion, but some scholars argue it’s meaningless to single out religion rather than socio-economic factors when assessing violent acts.
A man protesting against the government’s new power to ban organisations deemed anti-Pancasila, Indonesia’s state ideology. Reuters/Beawiharta

Indonesia takes an ultra-nationalist turn against Islamic populism

A recently passed regulation in lieu of law allows the government to ban organisations deemed against Indonesia’s state ideology Pancasila. It marks a troubling turn towards ultra-nationalism.

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