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Artículos sobre Psychology

Mostrando 1701 - 1720 de 1881 artículos

Role reversal: evolution is not the only way to explain gender differences. Linh Do

Women act like men when they switch seats at speed dating

On a TV show or in a movie, if a guy and a girl are at a party and one approaches the other to strike up a conversation, chances are that it was the guy who approached the girl. That is because we have…
Will you ever be able to forgive yourself? Psychologists say yes. wlef70

Cheaters use cognitive tricks to feel good about themselves

Most people believe that they are moral and good. They also believe cheating on a partner is wrong. So how do cheaters live with themselves after their infidelity? Understanding how they reconcile their…
No one has a perfect memory. alinassiri

People who don’t forget can still be tricked with false memories

“Time is the thief of memory,” wrote Stephen King in one of his many books. For some people, however, that is not true. They are gifted with what scientists call highly superior autobiographical memory…
Moderating your behaviour, emotions and thinking in the face of change is not easy – but can it be taught? Emotion image from

Coping with change: teaching adaptability will help kids grow

Across a student’s lifetime, their world will change and change again. They’re likely to see industry reshaped, medical advancements, and huge changes to technology. In their own life too, they will begin…
Blame human psychology. burningangelstudios

Why the fear of zombies? Look at the eyes

Zombies are undergoing a revival. Our screens have been filled with films such as “Zombieland”, “World War Z” and “Resident Evil”. Many home-made zombie will be knocking at our doors this week for Halloween…
Sunlight has repeatedly been found to boost positive moods, though the link is weaker than many people imagine. Image from

Here comes the sun: how the weather affects our mood

The weather supplies many metaphors for our changeable minds. Moods can brighten and darken, dispositions can be sunny, futures can be under a cloud and relationships can be stormy. Like the weather, our…
Did you see Wall-E? Loved that movie. University of Portsmouth

Robots push the right buttons for inquisitive chimps

Whether you’re already planning what your mechanised personal assistant will look like in the future or worrying that machines will inherit the Earth, there is no denying that human beings are fascinated…
I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Runs with Scissors

Disgust stops us from doing things we shouldn’t

If you read about the record-breaking “fatberg” lurking under Kingston recently and reacted the same way as me - “Oh my God - a gob of fat in the London sewers as big as a bus - that’s disgusting!” - you’ll…
Tag me, tag me. OK I’ll do it myself. Ambuj Saxena

Narcissism on social media tells us a lot about ourselves

An increasing number of studies into the correlation between social media and narcissistic tendencies confirm what many of us already suspect. We see teenagers spending hour after hour with their phones…
The relationship between emotional well-being and social networking is far from being fully understood. Alessandro Valli

Does using Facebook really make people miserable?

A recent study about Facebook made headlines across the world with claims that using the social media site makes people sad. But there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what the research actually…
For many people, psychology is at best a “soft” science. AlicePopkorn

Does psychology belong in the science club?

First, a disclaimer: I’m the proud holder of a Bachelor of Science (upper second class) in experimental psychology. So you shouldn’t be too surprised when I tell you psychology is a science. But for many…
Don’t you just want to hug him to death? Antoinette vd Rieth

Explainer: what is cute aggression?

Humans respond to cute. Show us just about any little critter with a big round head and a pair of large, blinking-in-the-headlights eyes and cooing will ensue. Add to that a set of chubby cheeks, a button…
Our brains predispose us to a quick fix, but with the right leadership we could choose a path to different future. Scott Ogilive

Wanted: political leader with a vision for a sustainable future

A sustainable future remains within our grasp but - thanks to the way human brains work - only governments can implement many of the necessary strategies. Our political leaders have a unique responsibility…
Appearance matters in the impressions we form, and the face perhaps most of all. Lukas Coch/AAP

A face for politics: do our leaders’ looks influence our votes?

The idea a politician’s face would influence our vote one way or another seems preposterous: who would be swayed by something so seemingly trivial, so manifestly beside the point? But looks, alongside…
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Are classical music competitions judged on looks?

The headlines The Los Angeles Times: People trust eyes - not ears - when judging musicians Classic FM: Classical singers judged by actions not voice Nature: Musicians’ appearances matter more than their…

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