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À Nairobi, la capitale du Kenya, le bétail, conduit vers de nouveaux pâturages dans un contexte de grave sécheresse, se faufile dans la circulation urbaine. Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images

Il ne faut pas confondre les vaches et les voitures dans les débats sur le changement climatique

Un discours simpliste tenu par des activistes, des célébrités, des philanthropes, des décideurs politiques voudrait que « tous les animaux d'élevage soient mauvais ». Ce qui est loin de la réalité.
Higher temperatures cause drought, and can lead to food insecurity. Guido Dingemans, De Eindredactie/GettyImages

Extreme heat hurts human health. Its effects must be mitigated – urgently

Many of the temperatures presently being recorded in Africa, and those projected in the next decade, are already close to the limits of human survival, or “liveability”.
Herbal remedies are commonplace in Uganda; testing these scientifically is a good way to ensure they’re safe and effective. Ava Peattie/Shutterstock

Herbal skin treatments in Uganda get an important scientific boost

It is important that herbal medicine be checked for its safety, its potential to treat particular ailments, and to ascertain its chemical components.
Sensationalist coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic spreads fear and is unhelpful. Getty Images

South African front-page stories about COVID were sensationalist and unhelpful

The majority of front page reports were negative in tone, seeing very little possibility for individual agency and self-efficacy. This can amplify public anxiety and fear.
Blood feeding female malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis. University of Pretoria Institute for Sustainable Malaria Control

Malaria elimination in southern Africa? Possibly, but these gaps need attention

The countries share related populations, economies, ecologies and epidemiologies. This interconnectedness highlights challenges and opportunities for more effective malaria control across the region.

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