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Artículos sobre Royal Commission into Family Violence

Mostrando 21 - 27 de 27 artículos

The public hearings of Victoria’s royal commission mark the next stage of changing how we see, and respond to, family violence. AAP/David Crosling

Submissions to family violence royal commission reveal a fragmented system

The royal commission presents a timely opportunity to greatly improve responses to family violence in Victoria. But as the volume of submissions reveal, this is a task not easily achieved.
One of the most dangerous times in an abusive relationship is when it ends – which was when Clare Wood was murdered by her ex-partner. Paul Millar/AAP

Violent offenders registers sound good, but are a costly, unproven distraction

Giving people the right to ask about their partner’s history of domestic violence sounds like a good idea – but there are good reasons why Rosie Batty and others have raised concerns.
Mandatory reporting of family violence on a woman’s behalf threatens dignity and takes away her power. Andreas Levers/Flickr

Family violence victims need support, not mandatory reporting

Legal requirements for doctors to report family violence to police may sound good at first glance. But evidence shows it’s better doctors are trained to support women to make their own decisions.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will chair a meeting on domestic violence, flanked by the rest of Australia’s political leaders – but will they finally commit to long-term, bipartisan action? Lukas Coch/AAP

Cancel the inquiries: we don’t need more reports on domestic violence

For decades, successive governments have cherry-picked reports on domestic violence for the easy fixes, and ignored the hard stuff. So no more summits and royal commissions – it’s time to act.
Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten are united in condemning violence against women and children, but both overlook the young people who are victims too. AAP/Lukas Coch

Sidelined and scorned: young people are set up to be soft targets

Responses to family violence by Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten and the terms of reference for Victoria’s royal commission fail to mention young people. Such a lack of recognition has dire consequences.
Victoria’s new Labor government has set up an Australian-first royal commission into family violence. AAP/Julian Smith

Explainer: Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence

It is difficult to capture just how important a royal commission with this focus is. For too long, family violence has taken, threatened and pervaded the lives of so many in the Victorian community.

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