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Artículos sobre Trust

Mostrando 141 - 160 de 203 artículos

Wikipedia depends on the collaborative effort of volunteer writers to add information, bypassing trusted authorities. Shutterstock

What Wikipedia can teach us about blockchain technology

The technology behind blockchain remains a mystery to many, but the it shares many common features with the popular online encyclopedia with which most web users are very familiar.
Tight security measures in schools erode cultures of trust, researchers contend. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Culture of trust is key for school safety

Researchers spent 16 years at a high school and observed security tighten and then loosen up again. What they found is that tighter security had the opposite of the intended effect.
Under fire: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

How Facebook could really fix itself

A scholar of digital trust evaluates Facebook’s current efforts and proposes some improvements the company could make.

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